Buddies are Coming Back!

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sadly they are, i hate buddy meta
i will play like they no exist and be hated by my random duo


Bazaar dealer was hardly used I guess that’s why it’s out? Still great card, won’t forget that one!

Buddies are not fun.


Buddie’s powers should effect on either in hand or on board. So , the players can manage their board spaces. And new minion Ghoul-acabra [Tier 6, Undead/Beast] should be nerfed immidiately bcos it is extremely overpower with beast and undead.

Buddies are inbalanced ,end of story (they should balance them around cost), but the new minion Ghoul-cadbra or what is it’s name will get nerf absolutly…I wish every t6 minion would have that impact on the board…I know also what the nerf will be “give undead/beasts 2/2” instead of give all minions 2/2 or “give all your minions 2/2 for this battle” instead of permanently…It is way to imbalanced…I caught up 200/200 nagas in 3 rounds with 2 of this minions and 3 deathrattles on the board…it’s insane, but I like it…I wish that every tier 6 would have that impact on the board and reaching them should be hard.

Heck not even T7 minions have that much impact as ghoul-cadabra…As they usually are hard to get (not currently I guess) and hard to scale around

But to be honest I REALLY REALLY like ghoul-cadabra, they should rework other t6 minions not nerf him as he is bound to only 2 tribes, so removing one tribe from him might make him a little more balanced I guess. Not even mad when I lose against him to be honest, he’s freaking awesome, but knowing Blizzard they will nerf him for sure.

I really hate though that now the current meta is mid game and having 4 heroes to chose from is a great adavantage which is why you want to buy battlepass

Just played a game with the pirate hero, and his buddy is completely busted.
Getting 1 gold + another Pirate in the shop every time you buy a pirate ramps up real quick.

The dragon one is too. +2+2 at the end of every round to all your minions not just dragons. THe gold verion is +4+4 I believe.

The balance of the buddies is terrible. You watch one guy get to choose an extra powerup option while the other guy is buffing his naga into the thousands.

The meta has gone farther away from skill based and moved into mostly chance based.


It forces you to buy battle pass so that you chose from 4 heroes not 2…


Nothing is forcing you. It makes it more alluring, but that’s it.

tomato tomato…it’s still predatory

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Nope, wrong comparison.

Wholeheartly agree with a cherry on top.

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I was wondering what was giving some duo partners 4 choices. (It hasn’t helped them much)

In normal play, getting a hero with a useless buddy is like losing the game on the spot…If you have a hero with a great buddy most of the time you win. So having 4 choices is a higher advantage than getting 2 useless buddies and having nothing to pick

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If that happens, I just concede and requeue. Its not worth the trouble to try and win with one of two bad choices.

now the question is which buddys are great, normal and bad

Well let’s say you have quillboars and you get the quillboar hero with a buddy that gives you one more gem when you generate one…Even if you get 0 quillboars for 2 mana cristals using your hero power you get 4 more gems each turn, that’s 4/4 stat just by having that on the board…

Now let’s say the same game, and you get Sylvanas with a buddy that is totally useless that eats a minion and gives it’s stats to the neighboars…First of all that buddy is uselless at start, because your minions won’t be high enough to make it worth, if you put it on the board and trigger his battlecry with a dragon or something on the board you might as well as conced at the spot, and if you hold it for further use it’s slow and useless…

Let’s take another example heroes that scale refreshes like Nozdormu with a buddy that gives minions in avern 1/1 for each refresh that turn, without elementals in that tavern that buddy is literally nothing…

Buddies like the one that gives you 2 minions if you correctly use the detective hero power, literally prints triples which might be situational but still good.

Let’s say Arfus , Lich kings buddy, literally trash tier without some form of reborn.

Lady Sinestra the +3 attack to your minions, literally garbage tier…

Karl the losts’s buddy, without mec’s so slow as to almost useless.

Lord Jaraxxus buddy can literally add a new tribe if demons don’t exist, and even so it’s 1 gold or 2 gold if un-ussable at best so yea at least it’s something if no synergy . Also let’s be honest lord Jaraxxus’s power resolves around demons so his buddy literally fixes him if you get him without demons.

Imperial defender with naga’s can literally scale to the thousands…It’s a shame that he doesn’t keep the stats, but he is a power house until end game.

Lucifron in the right context literally God Tier. Hero’s ability is end of turn so it’s like 12/12 worth of stats if no end of turn synergy. And just to be really fair here, getting a tripple end of turn effect from the 5 tier minion is sometimes either impossible because everyone want’s him or it doesn’t matter as the battle is either over and you won or lost by now, but get’s end of turn effects before anyone reaches tier 5 , and get’s a triple end of turn before people even start looking for end of turn.

Shady aristocrat, almost literally imbecil tier…Not even trash tier, imbecil tier, because it’s not a battle cry it’s a damn “when you sell this get something” , so you have to win every battle to get it fast, complete another mumbo jumbo, to get 8 gold…After that you get 2 more that you need to complete again some mumbo jumbo to get 8 gold, so slow that you need to play like a god to make use of it.

Jailers buddy, freaking cannon fodder to upgrade your HP fast.

Yea I could go on but some buddies are like not even to be considered, some are situational, while some perform in any scenario with any kind of tribe … The ones that perform in any scenario with any kind of tribe are the best, the situational ones might win you some games, while trash tier buddies will almost lose you the game instantly.

Buddies are a nice concept but again poorly implemented and not scaled correctly.

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Demons, and 20 characters.

Yea sure, if you have time to reach felbat or get lucky with some impersonators, and even then at best in end game he is comparable to the the t7 minions in tavern have 10/10 which arguably is better because he is a demon and scales with felbat