Year of the Pegasus Core Set Update

Year of the Pegasus Core Set Update

This year’s Core Set update brings back iconic cards and introduces new friends!

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With Ysera the Dreamer leaving Core it’s going to become way more difficult to complete the Mysteries of Stormwind to earn the Gift of Elune cardback. Time to hurry up and get this done!

I wish they were less conservative on the cards coming in the new core set. I have a feeling that 90% of these will not be used.

Same as last year🙁……

At least I would want for them to be open to further changes during the year.

Buffs and so on. I don’t know I’m a bit disappointed🫠

Prince Renethal is not in the list so I hope it won’t be in the core… finally… it is time to make an end to endless control decks… very good! And also Patchwerk is leaving… I hope the developers learned from their mistakes enough and will start to make the game fair again after the rotation. :clap:

warrior already has a control list without renathal

40 cards istn a requeriment

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Thats is great, but I didn’t mean to warrior only… the WHOLE control with 40 cards is a problem… mainly when classes have countless board clear, remover and discovery to get the previous two multipple times… that is everything but not balanced…

team 5: “we want less charge”

also team 5: “derp let’s make leeroy core for years!”

Or, and hear me out for a second. Stop caring about a digital cardback.

so you claim to speak for them now ?

Especially since he admitted that the charge mechanic was stupid and that he wasn’t going to make the same mistake again by creating other charge cards.

In short, they are just mythomaniacs who love to spit in the face of their community. Already when you install a rigged match system (illegal) it clearly proves that he has no respect for his players.

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Tbh I figured they’d revert Leeroy to 4 mana. I get why they didn’t, but I mean. He was 4 mana for years when the power level of the game was at its lowest. 8 years later and…he’s still nerfed, lol.

I really love this years core set i love that all the great cards of past are here the surprise cards that gives you 3 options are great.

Siamat surely will fin a place in my highlander rogue :smiley: i have no complaints about the core set its fiting that these are the cards are the core cards to celebrate 10 years of hs very iconic cards.