Showdown in the Badlands Rewards Track Refresh

Showdown in the Badlands Rewards Track Refresh

Yee-haw! It’s almost time for another Rewards Track refresh.

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I am glad you have finally created some male Paladin hero portraits for the next reward track… Someone read my comment before or it is just an accident? :thinking: :clap: :smiley:


Will Tavern Regular achievement get an update?


We got weekly quests yesterday but will we get another weekly quests for the current Tavern Pass next week? I mean, I understand that we’ll be able to progress on the reward track however my question is whether we’ll be given another set of weekly quests next week for this expansion. I’m pushing for a reward and I’m trying to calculate how much points I need before the next expansion’s launch.

Pally hero skins look cool, too bad the coins are trash. I really wanted a cool lookin, wild west type of coin but we got this garbage

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Come on, give us Battleground Pass with gold for 1 week. Be kind :grinning:

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Yeah… maybe the Sheriff Star like coin is OK… but the other one… what the hell is it? A Clown or what? Don’t like it at all… :roll_eyes:

I imagine it will eventually, just not this time. I just capped that achiev as well. The fact that they went ahead and added some more portraits for the lvl. 100 ‘free’ track is a good start, staved off issues for another year at least. I do like that it appears they did continue with the tier set theme for these awards. Going to have a hard time choosing between the new Arthas or Gul’dan for the first crack at the new portraits.

That being said, for the track award capstone portraits, the fact that they said the old ones were ‘returning’ makes me think they may eventually rotate out some of the old portraits rather than bloat it with another set of 6 in another couple of years (presuming a lot about game and system continuity). If they do, I hope they announce ahead of time so interested folks can target them if they don’t normally cap their award tracks.

They could probably have a DK and DH tier set portrait put together for the Tav Regular achievs and push them out at 2200 and 2400 levels just to get another year out of it as well.

Hmm, I didn’t realize that part of the text… but seems like you are right… WoW that would be great! :slight_smile:

Heh, my eyes skipped directly over it at first, was looking at the names of the skins with the paid track on the table to see if I was interested and assumed that the portrait spread underneath was a preview.

I was confused how any of those six had anything to do with the theme so I went back up to check the names again, and realized the text between the table and portraits was actually an announcement about a refresh of the free track portraits. That absolutely needs to be called out with a header or something.

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The new Lightbringer Uther skin looks great! :sunglasses:

Looks like the skins were added with the patch and can be previewed, theme appears to be Tier 5 where appropriate, otherwise its the first tier available for DK and DH. The six new choices are:
Second Sight Illidan (DH), Scourgeborne Arthas (DK), Crystalforge Uther (Pally), Destroyer Garrosh (Warrior… they cut off the awkward yet aerodynamic warrior shoulder blades for the portrait, booo), Cataclysm Thrall (Shaman), and Corruptor Gul’dan (Warlock… again cant see the shoulder spikes).


AND they updated the Tavern Reg achievements with 6 new portraits as well with achieves up to 3200 (Tier 6 for the same 4 heroes and second tiers for DH/DK). So yes, Lightbringer and… Onslaught Garrosh? Looks good. Talk about timing.