The Tavern Overflows at BlizzCon!

The Tavern Overflows at BlizzCon!

Come see what Hearthstone has in store for BlizzCon this year.

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Has anyone tried and received the card back yet? I’m hoping they just haven’t released it yet.

It barely trickled, and you guys said as much before blizzcon even started. Was it too much to even tease the ten year event, next year’s schedule, and so on?

Or to even say when you’re giving us the two titans signature event only cards you still owe us?

I mean, if Star Citizen generates more hype for their stuff (yes, THAT Star Citizen!) at their convention, you guys are really in trouble.

Really, you guys had ONE JOB…and you blew it faster than a bomb warrior deck with a shuffle boost.

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Overflows with what? 10 year old kids who are enjoying your brainless power creep cards which have nothing to do with skills at all anymore? LOL WAKE UP! You are KILLING this game! :angry:


It overflows, alright. With what, I’m not permitted to say but I can give visuals!



Nevermind, I just received the card back. It is certainly overflowing