Unleash Yogg-Saron's Chaos with the Fall of Ulduar Mini-Set!

Unleash Yogg-Saron's Chaos with the Fall of Ulduar Mini-Set!

The Old God, Yogg-Saron, has escaped from its prison, unleashing a new neutral Titan Legendary minion, anomalies, chaotic tendrils, and more!

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Wow someone from forums called it a new yogg haha :smiley:



Wheel of yogg-ality turn, turn, turn. Tell us the deck strat that we should learn.

Today’s lesson is…

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Also someone else on forums also said there might be a neutral titan he might be right :smiley:

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Honestly I saw anomalies as a thing in the post and immediately stopped reading thinking it was more garbage for battlegrounds. It took another post to mention it was happening in normal games too for me to go back.

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Since when is yogg-saron a titan, since when in the history of warcraft has an old god been a titan?

You don’t even know the history of your own game, can’t wait for Microsoft to come and clear out all the suckers in this company.

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This has to be the most uninteresting mini-set i have ever seen. Not buying it even with Gold.

Yogg card my a#s. Nothing relating to its predecessors.

Yay just what the game needed! MORE random BS! Thanks loser Blizztard devs! They really need to rename this game RNGStone: Heroes of Discovercraft. Time to stop wasting my gold on these mini-sets.:poop: :poop: :poop:


Seems like with every step these developers are creating bigger and bigger chaos… and even support it. Random Anomalies… random increasing spells… location which is using random spells… Sunwell… which is filling up the player’s hand with random spells… more and more randomity which can be manipulated by the RNG more and more easy… :\ Making it harder and harder to climb the ladder in my opinion… But maybe that is their goal…

Weak miniset! Weak miniset!Weak miniset!Weak miniset!Weak miniset!

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I like the Old Gods remade as Titan minions, but I don’t like the Titan minions OVERALL because they have too many abilities compared to regular minions, they are a little too OP, and because they can be copied with Faceless Manipulator and such which kinda defeats their uniqueness. You can do a lot better (mainly with BALANCE), Blizzard. Please try some more. Please.

will Yogg Saron unleashed diamond edition be sold without the BUNDLE?