Twist is NOW LIVE!

Twist is NOW LIVE!

Hearthstone’s newest Mode, Twist, is now live for its first official season, featuring the new Wonders format!

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Will Journey to Un’Goro come in next twist season? I started playing around that time! I do remember I played when exodia mage with alot of spells and quest was a thing, but at same time was jade druid a thing. I hope that comes next season, that would be nostalgic for me!
It was back in year 2017, anyone who remember all the expansions that was in standard back in that time?

It is unfortunate that the new cards weren’t released as a mini-pack set. Would you consider doing that for future Twist expansions?


Ungoro was right after Mean Streets, and the start of Year of the Mammoth, so Classic and Year of the Kraken cards (Old Gods, Karazhan, and Mean Streets) would have also been standard then.


this was so fun when u released the beta a couple of months ago, then u shut it down for a month and now that is finally out is complete trash… what happened??? why cant u play the same fun set of cards??? seems like is great if u want to play a duel with the most basic generic original boring cards in the game… sheeesh

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Rip off do not buy packs - you will just get cards you already own as ‘new cards’


The concept is super fun, but it’s gets ruined because the power level of the new set’s cards is way too high compared to the older cards.

Chamber of Viscidus, for example, is utterly broken.

I’ve really been enjoying Twist quite a bit. I wasn’t sure I would. The Jade Golems are quite enjoyable!


Did you get Legend in Twist this month yet, Theozar?

well only 800 players reach legend rank until now at twist mode, and i guess most players don;t like that mode because the power level of the new cards like jade telegraph and the chamber of viscidius. Also the price of the bundles are too expensive for what it offers.


Legend is beyond what I am capable of at the moment.

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Ditto. I feel that it is too many “pulls” in ways in the meta – Warlock’s fast, Warrior’s slow, Jade grows, Hunter aggros, etc.

this is the mode I’ve been hoping for FOR YEARS.

the opportunity to play “classic” Hearthstone!

I haven’t played HS for the past couple years so I was pleasantly surprised to see buffs to legacy cards, 3 mana consecrate, hammer of wrath, keeper of uldaman, 3 mana 3/3 wickerflame burnbristle!

even sludgebelcher got a health upgrade, and that was a card that was considered OP!

LOVING the TWIST mode, N’Zoth Paladin is back baby!


I love that you said this line. :joy:
Yeah, I would love to play “Classic” Hearthstone too, desperately! :grinning: