27.2.2 Patch Notes

27.2.2 Patch Notes

Patch 27.2.2 brings balance changes to Standard, Battlegrounds, and Duels.

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Maybe it’s just me, but that link is just a 404.

Edit - Works now.

Wow, buffing Time Saver to 3 Gold is insane, the card felt okay at 2 but at 3 seems very good.

Now about Standard, about damn time that Hunter got nerfed.

New: Old: Discover a Beast from your deck and summon it. Manathirst (10): Summon a Beast from your hand.

Considering how the last part is written, do you choose the Beast, does anyone know

I don’t think you get to based on that text, but I haven’t played it find out.

I like the change, though, no more double double crush otk.


Yeah, that’s the conclusion i came to also. It would probably say

… if it were to let you choose which one.

Technically the OTK combo is still possible, it just needs way more steps to get to it.

Lor’themar → Selective Breeder → Faithful Companions, and you still need to only have King Krush as a Beast in hand to make it work.

Definitely seems more fair for an OTK though.


It’s vague, for sure.

It typically says summon a random beast when you don’t get to choose, but idk. There’s no one proofreading their stuff with a style guide and that creates many of the issues we see.

If they were doing it right they would have rules on card text that every card must follow.

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im guessing is to avoid adding more words to the box and it wouldnt be the first time we get a text like this

oondasta doesnt say random either


This is most likely the reason, agreed.

I still think there should be a person who has the job of making sure all card text is consistent before it goes live to avoid situations where you have to play the card to make sure you understand it.

Why is there no dust refund for Halduron Brightwing ? Is it a bug ? I have a signature version of it, and it shows that I will get only 1600 dust, if I disenchant it.

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Will the dust be returned for banned cards?


It never is.

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Same issue here. The regular version is refundable but the Signature one isn’t. Clearly a bug. Please fix this!

They should made King krush a rush card instead of charges.

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I think the meta is about to open up alot more as hunter goes down in popularity new counters for warrior and warlock will arise and i think control priest might make a comeback but with alot of combo decks that might be hard.

I am looking forward to see how the new meta shapes up before the miniset,


That’s a really bad idea, tbh.

Krush has been here for so long that you can’t scapegoat the current hunter problems onto such a well known card. Krush isn’t even all that powerful in today’s game…

except when you can cheat out two of them with double stats…

which is why they nerfed the cheat.


Yup ditto about Nerfed Signature Halduron Brightwing not providing a nerf, or showing up while the normal variant shows.

Bug maybe? Please fix before the refund window closes if you could, thanks! Cheers! This will be awesome for making and keeping decks more affordable to play with and keep up with! :smiley:

If duels were a real format, banned cards would get a refund.

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We Need dust refunds for duels bans.

I see they didn’t switch the patch pins again, leaving the old patch notes pinned (as of this post). It can’t be this hard guys…

Why dont close duels directly when then only thing you doing in the last year and something is nerfing and banning things? also the buckets are even WORST with each new expansion.