11 stars bonus : top 10%?

I couldn’t find any official info on it.

Is it 10 % Legend ? If yes, I should be fine sitting in the top 500, right?

As I can see people at rank 19000’ish in my friendlist, top 10% would be very close of top 2k legend.

Thank you.

Yes, but in my experience, it can be tricky if you’re right on the border

I was once just inside the top 10%, couple of ranks from the border and didn’t get the 11-stars, and I assume it’s because it’s not top 10% of rank, but top 10% of MMR, and somehow my MMR was lower

So try to calculate less, play more

Yeah, it’s top 10% by MMR, so theoretically someone could have a higher MMR but not hit legend and still get the 11x bonus. That’s just somewhat rare.


Interesting. I have never known how it was calculated.
I have hit sub-1000 Legend more than once, but have never gotten 11 stars.

The cutoff in wild is much tighter because there are far fewer players in that mode.


Since there is at least 19 000 legend players as of today. I should be fine around top 500 no ?

I see.

I would “need” 1000 persons to not be legend AND have a higher mmr than me. I’m going to assume I’m relatively safe and sit at 500

Yeah, at 500 you are basically guaranteed to get it.

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Had the 11 stars and managed to get Legend in 38 games as Pirate DH, at a sexy 72 % win rate.

Rank 23 Legend right now lmao

I totally do not belong there


This happened to me once. I got to low legend (low meaning bad) on an insane win streak with shadow priest (like 16 games in a row or something) then stopped and I got an extra star bonus and was confused cause I thought it was for top players.

First 2 days of the month give the most weird results of the top 100 when you play 24/7 because not all top 100 players play 24/7. I love that you don’t brag about it. A lot of people ride the high horse and think they will be there at the end of the month.

I got 11 stars in standard ending with ~1700 this month, although I did not expect it. I probably played a lot?

I wouldn’t say I play 24/7. It took me 2h24 (38 games) to reach Legend.

One hour before work, 30 mins during my lunch and a quick 30 mins when I got home :stuck_out_tongue:

That being said, as more people play, I will end up back where I belong in the 300-750 range

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That is too sexy tone that down a few % please

It’s not fix, the 10%.

Once i got 11 in top 13% but with a very high Winrate in Wild.

An other month, i was close over the 10% but got only 10 Stars.

Here you can see how many Players are Legend

I don’t know about wild and small servers. I’m talking standard eu, the most hard competition.