The Lore of the Titans

The Lore of the Titans

Meet your makers with this lore blog, all about the Titans, the Titan card reveal schedule, and a fun upcoming community event!

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Huh, today I learned that the Primus is a Titan. Who knew?

So which titan should everyone vote? If we can select one that everybody votes we can get maximum number of free packs.



That’s my vote, I don’t even play warlock

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If Primus is a Titan now, what about Sire Denathrius?
Or Zovaal the Jailer

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It’s really odd that the Titan of Death is the demon hunter titan and not the death knight titan. Argus has little to no connection to demon hunters except for the fact that demon hunters became an available class in Legion.
Sargeras as the Demon Hunter titan would have been hilariously ironic, especially if his mechanic was about being hunted by the demon hunter. Like he buffed demon hunter cards because he was a motivation for them to kill. Though I understand being the leader of the Burning Legion and Demons makes him obvious the choice for Warlocks.

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Why use the Primus and VOLTRON instead of making new ones? It doesn’t make sense to pick and choose like that.


Aggramar the hunter. Well, alright then, I guess swords are technically a hunter weapon.

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There is talk on Reddit. Everyone is voting Sargeras all the way. If you want your extra packs, vote Sargeras.


I’m getting a 404 error when I try to open the voting page. Anyone else having that problem?

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Round 1: Voting July 7-10
Round 2: Voting July 12-17
Round 3: Voting July 19-24

maybe from this if i read good :slight_smile:

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V-07-TR-0N Prime and The Primus are disappointing in the sense that they ARE NOT titans!

Therefore it’s pointless to invent Amitus, the Peacekeeper if you were to put a robot of Mimiron and an Eternal Ones.
You should have gone to put ALL the Eternal ones instead.

Frankly, i would have preferred that you do new Titans instead of V-07-TR-0N Prime and The Primus.

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I really like all of this except V-07-TR-0N Prime. I don’t actually understand. Is it supposed to be Mimiron?

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hearthstone based on wow but it do not wow …also when team5 say is titan then card will be have titan tag

This feels a little confusing when you had some good options already and you moved them elsewhere. The OC one is nice, but pointless if you were going to do the rulers from Shadowlands.

Not to mention, We had in lore an Old God infested planet that would’ve been great to flesh out and offer to Priest where the Blizzard team could flex with a Titan torn between creation and destruction via madness.

Hell, I was kinda hoping we would’ve seen what Azeroth would’ve looked like as a Titan for Shaman for a ‘What-if?’ since there is so many options. You could make her an innocent and powerful child, or just make her into the wounded and scared adult since most Titans seem to just be 30-90 right out of the planet.

V-07-TR-0N Prime feels like you are lacking serious imaginative power down at Blizzard HQ and decided to just rework an Ulduar boss as the ‘What If’?

  • Argus is a Death Knight. The Death Titan, and ruler of the Undead.
  • Aggramar is a Demon Hunter. Corrupted by Sargeras, but now hunts demons.
  • Aman’thul is a Paladin. Highfather, and grants divine blessings and time-magic.
  • Telogrus is a Priest. Holy titan, corrupted by the Old Gods in Void.
  • Azeroth could be a Neutral. The Ultimate Titan

Why switch these up? They already fit together perfectly in the lore/story.
The only ones really missing are for Hunter and Rogue.

Why exclude Telogrus and Azeroth? Why make another Paladin and Death Knight?


exactly, why did they chose Primus for that? The entire theme of this expansion was to be about Pantheon of Order, not Shadowlands. And I don’t understand why Amitus is paladin, instead of Aggramar? Aggramar is the champion of Pantheon and creator of Tyr, who inspired Paladins. Rogue Titan is just another clockwork creation of Mimiron instead of being fully fledged titan. They should have chosen titan world soul that was destroyed by Sargeras as reimagined rogue titan. Choosing Amitus, Rogue Titan and Primus was a Big L for the developers

Aggramar- paladin titan
Amitus- hunter titan
Telogrus- rogue titan
Argus- death knight titan
new titan, like Amitus- demon hunter titan
Azeroth- neutral titan

do you also like that Primus is included, even though he has no relation to Pantheon?

Still getting 404 at this link
Voting is supposed to start today.
is there a specific time announced?

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