26.6 Patch Notes

26.6 Patch Notes

Prepare for Hearthstone’s next expansion: TITANS!

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Looks cool and fun, will pre-purchase ONLY if you have fixed/fix the Restless Reader achievement that has been broken for far too long…

Hope the Tavern Brawl lorebooks count now for Restless Reader…

Good work in general HS team, but please fix everything else broken about this game or publicly address all issues and your plan to fix them over time. Otherwise, we will be in a loop of new content, and endless broken stuff that will never be fixed because no one on the HS team communicates to everyone other than the next thing we are to buy.

You took away Classic when it could have just stayed as a ranked option.

I hope Twist crashes and burns and make you no money.


Well i dont see people buying wild packs specifically for twist when next month those expansions might not even be featured thus a waste of money.

Wild packs are already a waste of money to many but at least you know the cards will be usable all the time. With twist that is literally not true, next month none of the cards you got may be usable

Plus 3200 gold for a single deck is way beyond a lot of peoples price point so doubt they will make much that way either. Plus again, if the sets those cards come from rotates that deck is now entirely useless and you are expected to pay 3200 gold every month to keep up with the newest ruleset

Also this is literally the worst time to release it when people are now learning about the new expansion. Who is going to spend their money on old cards and decks when youve just announced a new set with its pre purchase bundles lol? I either spend $80 on old cards or the brand new set…. Hmmm hard choice :clown_face:

Twist is literally destined to fail because they failed to implement it in a way that is sustainable for the playerbase to engage with

Did I miss something? Why did they completely destroy Daryl? He was a totally easy top four and now idk what he’s good for.

Really poor choice for his hero power because it lacks any of the flavor he had before.

classic got boring after a few months and was up for 2 years
and there been complains about long queues and player bots for a long time

not sure that many people played it because i barely saw any complains about it being removed here or on reddit

If the hats are repeatedly passable to other minions, you’re still going to be building up a decent collection of buffs. It’s only +1 per minion purchased, but the buff will always go on a minion you want, instead of watching all those hats go to the one useless minion in the shop you definitely didn’t want to buy.

This Paladin Legendary with resurrection seems meaningless with the dancing paladin deck since it has Battlecry… instead of Deathrattle… And you are showing dancer Paladin minions for it mostly in the video… seems like a mistake. I wanted to prepurchase it for the first time because of a promise… but even 50 euro is hell expensive in my country for a game… I wanted to support the game finally, but for that price… I wont prepurchase… It is not worth that much. The game is too frustrating when the MM wants to block my progress and not letting me win 5 games a day… I can’t support a controlled mechanic like this… because this is not entertaning… this is suffering… I’m sorry…

Why did you have to remove classic? Why not just add a mode? I only played classic after I reinstalled the game. Now I have to leave again :frowning:


Battlegrounds is now more Silly. Have FUN :grinning:

The goal was to remove the Classic mode, even if Twist fails it doesn’t matter… the goal has already been achieved

Blizzard didn’t monetize Classic so they killed it.


Thanks for removing classic mode, that was my favorite mode and I crafted 3 legends deck entirely in gold, thank you again Blizzard, I appreciate the effort


One battle ready deck is 3200 ? Are you out of mind ??? You must just stop. you already ruined all the game and your greediness is not ended. Im rly done with this. Only thing you care is whale players and money. Im quiting after 7 years. Thank you for the game and good times. You lost the community and the potential of the game with your greediness. Only game is not get discount in the summer sale is also Hearthstone what a suprise…I hope nobody plays your game anymore


So true ! They could have just left it there, it doesn’t bother anyone ! It doing his thing alone

At legend is so fun ! You can try different deck the opposant doesn’t expect

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BG-Saurfangs new hero power is the most overwhelmingly overpowered thing Ive seen so far in this mode.

Jailer needs 9 minions to die for his power to upgrade to 2/2, and 81 minions for 10/10.
Saurfang doesnt need to change build, to build up hero power, and has a 16/8 hero power for FREE by turn 12.
Played a few games with him in the lobby already, and so far not seen him lose even once, just having 0 synergy builds, carried entirely by hero power, against full synergy insane endgame builds.

Not to be devils advocate here, but to be fair, they did give atleast 8 days warning for this, and this the first time you react to it? Not sure you actually care as much as you are presenting here…

Since this is my first post on a topic since the release, I think you already know the answer to your question…

The strategy with daryl to top four was to never tier over 3 and build the hats on targeted minions in the tavern. You could get to turn 12 or13 without any damage.

So that strat is useless and they’ve basically eliminated most of the traditional apm builds.

Not sure how this plays now.

Who are you replying to?

OMG! You guys just erased the Classic without waiting until the month ends?? I was about to hit the legend and that was all about the fun. I was so busy with work the last few days and I thought I had some time until the end of the month. I did not think you would be that disrespectful to delete the mod without waiting until the month ends. I am uninstalling this game and I will never play it again. Such disrespectful behavior! Who runs this company, a bunch of teenagers?