Encore, Encore! It’s time for the Audiopocalypse Mini-Set!

Encore, Encore! It’s time for the Audiopocalypse Mini-Set!

The fate of all music hangs in the balance in this cacophonous Audiopocalypse, featuring dual-class cards, remixed cards, and more!

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Dual Class!
Yeah baby, that’s what I’ve been waiting for!


Silly timing Blizzard.

This really increases the chances of people inadvertently opening their end-of-month packs before they buy the mini set and ending up with unnecessary duplicates.

Putting out big releases on the last day of the month seems like very poor planning.


That’s a thing? Why is that a thing? Wouldn’t it make more sense to open them at the start of the month? You know, when they get their rewards for the previous month?

Duel class cards are one of my faveroutes gladd to have them back :slight_smile:

This mini-set could end up being mega value with the dual-class cards, instead of the usual 3 class cards per class, it could be 4 or even 5 per class.

These cards look terrible.


This miniset looks horrible. That is True.


Blizzard puts less and less time into balancing each expansion but has the audacity to put out minisets that cost a lot of gold or money. Blizzard just keeps making hearthstone more expensive to play (to enjoy multiple decks) when they constantly just put out more cards that dominate prevoius cards. It’s bad game design.

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Real DK nerf, ya, when is that happening? Been waiting for how many months now?

Its pathetic how you can go from loosing multiple games to flat out 10+ win streaks by swaping to DK or mage right now.