Announcing Festival of Legends, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion!

Announcing Festival of Legends, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion!

E.T.C. is putting on the biggest concert Azeroth has ever seen in Hearthstone’s most jam-packed expansion yet!

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Ah yes let’s give rogue more mana cheat for more otks. Haven’t learned have we.


I don’t like it very much, but I don’t dislike it… it’s far below the submerged city, and the pre-purchase with no more heroes doesn’t rent as before…


Can we disable the signature cards while in game ?


Emo Demon Hunter! :joy:

Also great to see we will be able to disenchant Signature cards.


Wow, not surprised this wasnt announced earlier… looks like straight trash. Out of all the things in Warcraft, a musical concert is one of them? Come on now. Make Tunnels of Deepholm where we have lots of elementals or Gardens of Azshara. Secrets of Shadowfang Keep where we have Beasts and worgens. Come on Blizzard, I just made these up and already better concepts.


I love the theme of the expansion very fun :slight_smile:


I love it, I love it, I love it! This theming is perfect for me! The cards and mechanics look amazing, I can’t wait to see more of the bands for the other classes! This is quickly turning into my favorite expansion since One Night at Karazhan.


Literally any person commenting about how this expansion doesn’t look good is either delusional or lying. This is easily one of the coolest looking expansions you all have done so far.


Lol yeah, sure… an expansion with lots of elementals, an Azshara expansion or a worgen expansion… those have definitely never been done before (let alone the Azshara expansion that started off this past year of standard). You’re entitled to your opinion, but all three of those “better concepts” are just stealing old expansion ideas. This set looks amazing, uniquely themed, and I can’t wait for it to come out. The team outdid themselves on visuals and concept from what I’ve seen so far, amazing job!


Warriors of the metal wastes, rise!


Theme looks fun. The signature cards look very nice now! Letting the art shine is all we wanted along with actual color. I hope they update the old signature cards as well.

Why is Priest themed after Pop music instead of Choir music or something? Pop music isn’t even a real genre! It’s just whatever is popular at any particular time.

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Personaly its theme im least interested in by far.
Card mechanucs will need to se all before full judgment but theme for me is bit a miss.

Rule of cool I guess. Choir theme would just add to the lame memes of priests and do we really need more of those?

Also, although I guess they could have switched the name to RnB instead of Pop, I’ll argue that Pop, over the last three decades, has merged into a genre of it’s own where the music is produced to be exactly that, popular. Just take artists like Britney, Bieber, Shakira or whatever boyband of the late 90´s…their music is meant to be catchy, easy to remember lyrics and played to death on mainstream radio.

…kinda like priests…:stuck_out_tongue:

I guess for me, if they’d gone with Choir or similar sounding music then I’d go for a “Final Fantasy final boss” kind of theme where it’s all EPIC music with the power of pipe organs and imposing, angelic imagery.

Eastern orthodoxy priest is called “pop”

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"So, we heard you don’t like mana cheat from rogues.


aReN’t YoU tHaNkFul?!"

which card will they add to discount cost of cards in hand?

faço questão de comentar em português o quão decaiu esse jogo, o quão é o desgosto de todo latinoamericano em jogar, a raiva que a gente sente pelo descaso da empresa com nossa região, aumentando aqui no Brasil em 70% o preço, chegando 1/4 do salário mínimo pra você comprar uma pré-venda de expansão aqui, e, na argentina, tendo sido um aumento de quase 600%, chegando a mais da metade do salário mínimo dos meus irmãos de sangue e continente. muito feliz em ver esse lixo de expansão, espero que piore. adeus, hearthstone, obrigado blizzard enquanto foi blizzard. vocês, que mandam atualmente, merecem a falência.