1 changed killed priest yet again

Gotta love how blizzard once again killed priest… data shows that they went from a 55% win rate on hearthstone replay to about 48% …

More and more expansions completely gutting priest the moment they have anything fun…
On top of them being oblivious to what direction they want priest to go
Lack luster overheal
Lack luster thief
Lack luster Highlander (nerfed)
Lack dragons (nerfed)

Just makes you wonder

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55% winrate is the definition of fun to you?

That’s the definition of broken

Huh? You have hunter paladin sitting above 53% win rate right now?
With hunter sitting at 58%
Yet you want to call broken?

Legit Delusional

As we speak priest are now sitting at 43% second from the bottom

Try again

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I’m not interested in bronze stats

Hunters don’t exist where I play


then don’t reply if you are not interested.

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yes they kicked priest hard.

You posted question marks as a reply to my reply. What else am I supposed to do then reply?

Again, I’m not interested in bronze stats, for a good reason. If the stats in bronze say Hunter has 58% win rate and stats in Legend say it has 48% winrate, then it means bronze players don’t know how to play against hunter, not that hunter is broken.

It’s not broken. Even if it was, it was nerfed twice (unjustifiably so, because bronze wants to play tendril decks)

Anyway. If you don’t wanna stay bronze forever, pay more attention to what people in higher ranks say about the game and try to learn from it. Instead of making this game miserable to anyone who likes hunter, learn to play against it and let it live and breath.

God knows it hasn’t been viable for quite a long time as a class.

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think you are mixing up names.

it could also mean that people at bronze dont have all the cards and base hunter is strong.

Which names did I mix up? Oh, I see now, that was the other guy with the question marks. My bad.

Well, noone has all cards. You just play what you have until you collect enough to craft a deck you saw on the ladder and lost to many times which you think you might like to play, and then craft it

That’s how it’s usually done

It’s true that base hunter is strong, but it’s also true there are many low-budget viable decks

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Nerfing sashimi killed the whole class? Almost as if relying on a single broken card is a bad thing and speaks more of the card than the class.

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going by a post on reeddt 58% is the win rate at diamond legend

which makes sense becaue at bronze ranks the deck has 77% win rate

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Conceptually, it was one of the better cards that gave priest any value above average…

You can’t show me a legendary card played more in priest than that card… why because of it’s value…

And because the design team can’t figure out which direction they want priest to go… having 4-5 different decks at HALF synergy is worse then having 1-2 strong archetypes…

Literally every deck relies/revolves on 1-2 to cards. It’s common sense

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Except it’s actually more like 53.3% in top 1000 Legend.

It’s 59.5% for Diamond 4-1. So that D-L stat is probably accurate.

It absolutely is, and it’s astoundingly elitist of you to think otherwise.

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Nothing elitist, stats are skewed in diamond and dumpster legend right now because people are experimenting with trash decks and hunter’s deck was already formed months ago.

Same with sludgelock. If you picked it up 2 days ago or yesterday, you could have 70+ global winrate on it in HIGH legend.

Does that make the deck broken? No, it’s just abusing the chaos of the meta.

Literally every decent deck which ever was viable can beat hunter if they know to prevent them from saddling up too many minions. It’s just that easy.

what annoys me is that what made team 5 think that priest players want to play aggro in the first place? its a mystery

This is mostly cope. Could there be a little bit of skew? Sure. Could there be more than 3% skew? Absolutely not. This isn’t day one, this is day four. Skew will be essentially zero in a week. Also, skew can go the other way too.

Bruh do you even know what cards are in the deck?

Nope. Sludgelock actually was formed months ago.


Lay down the pipe, bro, again you feel the need to try to use stats to disprove experience. It never worked and it never will work. Hunter is a bad, meme, hit or miss deck which doesn’t see play in higher ranks because everyone there has passed the tutorial on how to value trade.

Also, I played a dozen games on it, grew bored of it and gave up. It’s unrealistic that anyone climbs high on it. You either die of boredom or lose a lot because of bad luck streak and because you literally depend on 2 cards AND on your opponent not having an answer to those 2 cards.

The data is literally the average ACROSS ALL RANKS

try again

Still doesn’t work for me, even worse

Okay, trying.

HSReplay (and d0nkey.top) both use tracker side data only for overall winrates. So let’s say someone with HDT installed (the tracker HSR uses to collect data) is running Hunter and they play against someone without HDT installed, and they win. The win for the HDT Hunter IS counted, and the loss for the non-HDT Hunter IS NOT counted. Because people with trackers installed tend to be better players than people who don’t have them installed, this inflates ALL of the winrates on the class chart.

Second, Kassadin has a point, including Bronze through Platinum isn’t good. It taints the data with a bunch of terrible players and meme decks. Which brings us to our next point.

Third, and most importantly, NO CLASS WINRATE TABLE IS VALID. EVER. Because even if it is normalized for 50% average winrate, and even if it only looks at relevant ranks, it will include a bunch of experimental decks with terrible winrates. The actual winrate of Zoo Hunter in Diamond 4-1 is 59.5%, which is 1% higher than your winrate chart. So after factoring out tracker-side only inflation, Hunter as a class is averaging about 56% winrate, if you include lower ranks Zoo Hunter is 60+% and the class average is being brought down about 5% by clowns trying to get Egg to work and other such shenanigans.

HSReplay is a terrible site for statistics and you should never trust them again for anything. And Kassadin is in full delusional cope mode about Zoo Hunter being OP, it totally is, but they’re not wrong about HSR being a joke. I wish their website would shut down yesterday so I wouldn’t have to deal anymore with midwits who spread HSR misinformation.