“We had some trouble checking what you own”

“We had some trouble checking what you own, so some things might be missing. Sorry.”

Has anyone gotten this error upon opening the app? (Mobile)

its a loading error

so some stuff might be missing

Seemed to be an animation error when I got it, a few golds I had stopped bouncing in the collection but not all of em, they worked fine in game though. Only real anomaly I can report is my priest deck keeps dropping 2 cards out of it (Looked like the overheal draw cards minion) and forces me to keep reequiping them after every match. Maybe my priest has become sentient and is telling me to dial it back a notch


Did you try to manually remove those 2 cards from the deck and then add them again?

It worked for me when I had the bug while copy/pasting from HS Guru, but that was at the launch of a new expansion, so I figured they somehow managed to get two versions of a same card: one for Wild, one for Standard, and the code used to build decks on HS guru was the one for the Wild, so it kept highlighting it in red and making me replace it with Standard ones.

Probably not the same bug, though.

Yeah I tried that. Only thing that made it stop until I opened the game again was completely copying the deck and pasting it in a new slot. I’m fairly certain I was spot on with the sentient priest assumption tho.