Whizbang’s Workshop is NOW LIVE

Whizbang’s Workshop is NOW LIVE

The doors are now open to Whizbang’s Workshop. Hearthstone’s newest expansion is now live with a first-ever customizable card, the new Miniaturize keyword, throwback mechanics, and more!

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Yes, but why is the shop closed?


The shop is closed… Hello!? Can’t play if I can’t buy cards.

Wonderful, can’t wait to play.
BUT too many cards from my collection are either missing or unusable now. Will have to wait wait for the fix.
Won’t be playing much today. oh well.

Rotation happened. You will be waiting for the rest of your life


And when is Hearthstone live on Steam?

who cares game is garbo


I just bought 3 packs and it froze my game and crashed.

i got 100 packs with gold and pulled several legendaries priest dragona and a DH signature

no idea what mint condition means

shuderblock is another card i cant wait to try

It means pre-nerf original release demon hunter which were pretty dang strong cards.

Great, Hearthstone seems to have stolen a bunch of my cards including some hard earned legendarys… Like Patchwerk, which I played in a few decks. We shouldn’t be penalized and put out just because of an update like this. There should never be a reason to take cards from a collection unless they are removing it completely from the game… I now find Patchwerk available to craft for 1600. This is so disgusting I turned HS off and am afraid to look at all the rest of the damage this UD has wrought.

This is wrong and really Bad, Hearthstone.

cards added to core have to be crafted if removed from core and you dont own it

so imguessing this is the first time this happens to you