Why servers like hand on justice doesn’t appear on the new list merge?

Are we gonna have a second wave of merges?, because some servers like hand of justice and others doesn’t appear on the list blizz announced Server merge 2024 Diablo immortal on hand of justice a lot of people left to join another servers while ago, and other servers that don’t need a merge like The Gidbinn that have a bunch of whales gonna recibe more people, something doesn’t seem right with that.

Don’t worry about Gidbinn server I heard there’s bunch of crybabies that likes to poached high reso player. My server isn’t listed so I’m guessing it’ll be on the next wave and we have tons of whales

The Gidbinn is being merged with The Soulstones, Cult of Damnation and Black Abyss?

Or is what the Server Selection screen is showing in the far right column (the ‘Globe’ column) both Upcoming Merges (like Last Vestige merging with The Worldstone, Sandros the mouth, etc AND the First round of merges (when Last Vestige merged with Albrect and Doombringer)