Why aren’t gear levels locked in? Just remove the option to swap it between pieces and have it locked in for that slot. Removes the headache of updating the armory when it glitches or salving/ loosing a piece by mistake.
I need the gear swapping mechanic because 2 sets of armor level 30…
16 pieces of armor 2 head, 4 offhand, 4 mainhand, 2 pants, 2 chests, 2 shoulders… All level 30
Each piece of armor has 2 loadouts for reforges…
Sooo i need to be able to swap reforges for PVE, PVP, Boss dps, CC pvp, things get compicated when you have a lot of gear and a lot of options to swap. Also I do not AFK farm or bot i just watch TV and read while i farm. I also have a problem being still and relaxing .
i think you miss my point. This takes the gear level swap out of the equation. so your armor is always 30, unless your swapping which piece is 30 lol
Ya swapping level 30 gear reforges is super annoying. I would have to upload a video it isn’t possible to communicate this in text form; because when you swap gear the piece you want to wear also goes back into your bags.
So swapping reforges on a piece of gear ends up swapping the gear too.
The checkbox gets grayed out on swap levels it has to be done manually or by having 3 items such as (chest level 30 on, 2nd level 30 chest in bag, blank level 0 chest in bag for place holder).