Sinful Vigor+Painsower strafe essence bug

For some reason when i combine Sinful Vigor + Painsower essence the att speed for strafe is weired.Its like, the shot didnt come out everytime it restore strafe energy.Is this intended or is this a bug.If it is a bug pleass fix it.Thnkyouu :slight_smile:

Agreed, something isn’t quite right with the replenishing of strafe bar. While we’re buffed with 100% primary attack speed, it should be replenishing much more than it does. When our attack speed buffs wear off, that’s when strafe should burn energy faster due to slower replenishment.

I did a test again and i find out that the speed of the shoot it self is not consistent.its look like the shot shoot 3 times then pause for a moment, then 1 shot then pause again, then another few shot then pause again.And it stays like that for the whole duration.Im guesing thats why the replanish didnt seems right.The worst part is that it also mess up the dps so im still not using it unless 4 frming.I do hope this is a bug and not intentionaly and i wish itl gets fix soon.