Searching for CLan/Community

Hey everyone,

i started playing some days ago (Currently Paragon 130) and would really like some people to play or chat with. It´s difficult to start out there as a new player because clans are either inactive or focused on Endgame content. So if there is a community/clan that´s active on a level where people not on endgame level can participate in an active environment i would be very happy if you could hit me up.
As additional Info i most likely will not spend money currently simply because of the lack of ability to do so.
I play as Necro (Hero ign is Lynneth) on the Pools of Wisdom Server (EU).
Currently i am active pretty much throughout the day, though that will get limited once i work again (dunno to which times of day yet, i live in Germany-GMT+2).

Enjoy the game everyone

Your chances of finding a clan will rise immeasurably if you post the following…

  • What your hero’s name is (if it doesn’t match your forum name)
  • Which region (US, EU, Asia) your hero is on
  • Which server / cluster your hero is on
  • Which time-zone you’re in
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Thx for the hint ^-^