Please do something for monk cc skill

I know and hope dev team can see this, every class now have immunity cc or immunity knock back.So monk just have knock back cc and really difficult using cc skill like mystic strike, flying kick, only wave of light is useful cc skill but useless with immunity cc, so please make the wave of light also have dispel immunity cc or dispel immunity knock back (like barb) so its will make monk playable. Thanks you so much!

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I totally agree! With all the Immunity other classes have, I totally agree this is needed for Monk. Thankfully we got a good boost with the new “Stick” builds, but are still nowhere near the Damage level of other classes. We definitely could use immunity with all the crazy Wizard CC in BGs.
Also a Damage boost to make us more comparable to other classes would go a long, and much needed, way towards an even, more fair balance among classes. Monk has been so far behind all the other classes, it’s time to help even the playing field.

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