Oceans of useless essences for sader

There are only two helmets I ever see on any sader. Looking at shoulders there are some sacred chain ones I may use if sacred chain didn’t just fly off into the wild blue yonder most the time rather than hit someone. Way too many good essences are on the chest. I find my self torn on which chest I want to run where as with weapons I usually am not using anything other than the primary attack essence. Our essence are a mess, they need tuning. Banner needs arrowkeeper to be default. We need some help.


I agree we need help!

Arrowkeeper essence should be eliminated and the banner should stay with you by default when it provides a buff and be placed on the ground only when you use an essence to make it affect enemies.

I do love Sacred Chains (Frozen Chains essence for PVP), but it really sucks how often it misses a target. It should just automatically hit the nearest enemy. I talk about this is in my video of my PVP build that uses it:

There is also a pretty cool CC build now:

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