Monk Nerf too much

Monk Nerf disappointing

Latest nerf disappointing and overkill. The Monk has always been weaker in skill set. They finally made it fun to play then nerfed it. Playing Fractured Plane even challenging as skills so weak. I dont want to change classes so do I just have to stop playing until the yearly boost to have equal skills as other toons? Please consider making Monk skills at least equal in strength to match other toons. Please!


Agreed - if dps has been nerfed so much a llayer is unable to finish a minigame this is terrible. There should a better way to rebalance as has been done with the other characters.

Don’t want to lose more and more players due to dissatisfaction with game dynamics.

Monks have switched to Tempest. There are always only about 3 classes in this game.

Driven Thunder’s damage needs the “complete” painsower treatment. Meaning the last “balance change” to the Driven Thunder + boundless breath essence combo utterly killed that version of cyclone strike completely. Now it needs to be correctly restored with the correct intended fix.

Remove all effects from boundless breath except the energy recovery/cooldown. Maybe change the awakening bonus? Restore Driven Thunders damage without the extra wind effect from Boundless breath.

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I do not entirely “buy” that this was a “bug”. I believe since there was such an outcry from so many players that never had the experience of dying from a monk, since monks were so imbalanced compared to other classes, especially barbs with their massively unfair DPS; they decided to call it a bug so the monks wouldn’t complain.

The truth is that before the nerf, monks were finally more balanced as a melee class and were able to do melee damage.

Since there are so many players playing unbalanced classes (barb, tempest, etc.) that complained, they decided to make the monk absolutely imbalanced again and not able to stand “toe to toe” with the other melee classes.

At the very least, this supposed “bug” should be reinstated with perhaps a little less damage, even though it would still make monks less capable as a melee class and deliver less DPS than all other melee classes.

Please fix this unbalance that you have created for all monks. As a melee class, monks should be able to go “toe to toe” with all other melee classes, especially the completely DPS imbalanced barbs.