So I need help. I am a wizard at level 644. My combat rating is at 37,219, inferno 1, and according to the level difficulty I should be at 41,165, inferno 4. It’s embarrassing when I join a raid and the level 500s are outlasting and out-killing me. Do I need to be at inferno 4 difficulty to get the gear and coin I need to level up my combat rating sufficiently? I love this game but I’m falling behind and I feel like I cannot catch up so it’s getting REALLY frustrating and somewhat embarrassing. I’m even starting to turn down raid invites because I tend to die more than anything. Please help!
what is your helliquary and gear levels at? Most likely you need to grind out those to get the combat rating increases plus leveling up your legendary gems. It sucks but you’ve over leveled yourself so you will likely need to be carried in higher levels to get caught up gear wise
Highest gear level is at 19 and helliquary is at 15. I kinda figured that I’d need to lean on other players to get where I need to be. I enjoy the whole solo thing
what are your green levels? yeah you need to grind hard to upgrade your gear lvls and do your raids twice a week with full parties. With the new catchup mechanics you should get some decent jumps
if you can get carried in i4 raids be huge boost
This is one of the main issues that new / returning players face. Because they’re so far below the server’s paragon level, their hero enjoys huge amounts of +XP%, which makes it very easy for their hero to catch up (or at least close to) the server’s paragon level. However, precisely due to how much that XP / paragon gain is expedited, it means all the other things that would normally have occurred during that levelling, had it been without the boost, get bypassed. The things that generally cause players to be significantly behind on Combat Rating include…
Set Item Ranks
At Rank 20, this adds 192 CR per item.
At 8 set items, that’s 8 * 192 = 1536 CR.
The main limiting factor for this is the yellow / red crystals, obtained from running Challenge rifts. However, if you ask nicely, bigger players may help you by taking you through these.
Legendary Item Ranks
At Rank 30, this adds 220 CR per item.
At 8 legendary items, that’s 8 * 220 = 1760 CR.
The main limiting factor for this is scraps / dust / gold. Unfortunately, there’s no simple way around this. It’s just, quite literally, months of farming to get the materials.
Helliquary Level
This is increased by using Voidblood Slag, which comes from salvaging raid boss remains, and you can only obtain these from the first five raid bosses you kill each reset (raid resets are on Monday and Thursday at 03:00 server) so this one is time-gated and can’t be easily caught up.
Tableau Level
This one used to be tied to Warband tasks, now it’s based on Activity, and if you’re behind the serve level, you’ll be gaining significant boosts to this.