Do you have any idea how many hours of grinding you just wiped away? You know, you keep changing too much and you are going disincentivize anyone from participating every time you rework the game
Today’s patch removed Ancestral and Invocation weapons and any source that used to provide them now provides Cursed items.
However, this has made absolutely no difference at all to your Tableau Combat Rating bonus because there is no longer any requirement to put weapons into the Tableau. You now just get the bonus CR from the Tableau’s level, as shown here…
You’ve not lost anything.
I have. Every singke invocation. Every hour I spent contributing to my warband. I will never purge the depths again.
The old king is dead. All hail the new king Erebban
Why? It is source of remnants and warband points if you are playing solo.
Gotta half agree with Necro here, some ancestral invocations were really helpful at times, and now they’re gone.
Also, combining 6 cursed props for max effect with an invocation for extra utility carried nice variety for minmaxxed builds.
The fact that they didn’t announce this change in advance makes it even harder to swallow.
Just because they returned your now useless weapons to you doesn’t mean you got a refund on all that time spent earning them
You are playing a game that constantly forces you to replace your gear every week.
what about the special abilities you could select? The 15% damage for 6 seconds on proc etc etc?
These were actually useful. Are you sure we didn’t lose anything?
Weren’t these on a two minute cooldown? If so, that means 15% damage for 6 seconds every 120 seconds which averages out to a 0.75% damage boost. I stand corrected, you lost three quarters of a percent damage.
Did those powers actually work? I never noticed.
There was a cursed gear gives “5th skill” every 9 seconds. I am sure it is far useful than 15% damage for 6 seconds in a long fight.
R.I.P. my beloved 15% dmg buff from invocations, I will miss you.
On the bright side, they finally get rid of the negative effects on cursed gear. Now I can start to actually use the effects on these items. So far I mostly used the purify shards to get rid of any curse on my gear.
Regardless of stat bonuses, I’m talking about the hours spent creating a warband from scratch, recruiting, keeping members, scheduling participation, setting and reorganizing my life around endless, agonizing grinding the depths and the front gates for invocations, the repetitive comparisons between different green and red numbers to put in the weapon wheel.
When I started out with my own warband, there was just me and 10 measly points per grind. And you needed 80 just to upgeade the Tableau once.
We didn’t get 150 points per non warband raid back then. I grew the warband one member at a time. I was the main contributer because I started the warband
This was back in the early days when things were more restricted per warband member. We were lucky if we got 1 weapon per grind session.
And they’re just going to negate all the above? No warning, no sorry you wasted 2 years worth of your life?
No thanks. If blizzard is done with that, so am I.
I have my own warband too. It’s sometimes a pain to organize Boss Raids since we are only 7 and often not every member is available. But besides that, I don’t feel that there is much lost because of the recent tableau changes. Besides the Ancient buff bonus of course. We get the points anyway and we have to worry less about the ancient weapons. Immortal already has enough mechanics to take care for. Less is better sometimes.