Inferno 6 Guide Quest - Familiar with 6 rare or better skills

On reaching Paragon 1300, the Inferno 6 Guide Quest section unlocked.
The first quest being…

Have a Familiar at max level with 6 Rare or better skills.

Meanwhile, my Familiars…

When I checked the Marketplace the cheapest Familiar with six rare skills was just over 41K plat. As a F2P player, that’s many weeks worth of selling non-legendary gems, or hitting lucky with an unbound legendary gem from my 2 eternal crests. Either that or I have to look into Melding which, of course, requires other Familiars with rare skills as the “ingredients”.

Why put a block on Guide Quest progression that relies on obtaining lots of familiars and then the RNG of melding or having enough plat to buy your way past it?


It’s rather tedious but yes. My request is to remove the on-the-left green quest marker. That is going to be there for long time for others and very distracting. Also, this will never get completed for some players. A removal of the quest marker would be fine but not the quest itself.

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The randomness in conversion, coupled with trying to get similar familiars for an exchange a Niza’s place, couple this with capped contract drops, adding in the high RNG of spawning a yellow on summons…
Yes it takes some time to get the familiar up to a level that matches this trophy quest.

Here’s mine and I cannot take credit for skill, only for pure luck and it still does not meet the trophy requirement and while it has a legendary, yours on paper is better.

With three yellows at 30, have you enough conversion stones? You’ll possibly get a yellow with a legendary with three of those.

I had some helpful advice from a clan-mate…

  • Melding two familiars with 1 rare skill each gives a familiar with 2 rare skills
  • Melding two familiars with 2 rare skills each gives a familiar with 3 rare skills
  • Melding two familiars with 3 rare skills each gives a familiar with 4 rare skills
  • Melding two familiars with 4 rare skills each gives a familiar with 5 rare skills
  • Melding two familiars with 5 rare skills each gives a familiar with 6 rare skills

You can tell this will happen on the Melding screen as it gives a green up-arrow indicating that the resultant pet will gain 1 skill. As a result of that advice, I’m now up to this…

It’ll take me a while to get some more spare familiars to do the Melding to get another 5-skill one, then I’ll Meld it with my existing 5-skill familiar and it’ll become 6 rare skills.

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Yeah, it’s essentially 32 pets if you don’t manage to get any with 1 or more rare skills and I just sold my 4 rare skilled pet before the update… :sweat_smile:

If you meld 2 pets with 0 rare skills, you get 1 rare skill. Worst case scenario - 3 contracts/week, all with zero rare skills it’s gonna take 16 months to get full 6 rare skills on one familiar just from melding.

I’m not sure how you calculated that but 32 pets is 11 weeks at most which is less then 3 months.

Or just buy 32 pets with 0 rare skills for about 25k plat and meld them. At least on my server those pets go for 6-800 plat.

I’d refer you back to…

Most of the difficulty quests rely on you beating something via gameplay.
This one requires RNG and/or plat.

I messed up and didn’t divide by 3(per week). So you need 64 pets with 0 rare skills. 3/week gives 21 weeks which gives 5,25 months.

I finished it…

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Were you lucky or you’ve sold your kidney? :grin:

Well, there’s the three contracts purchasable at the NPC per week, but you can also get more as random drops from elite packs, so you can get a few more. Some of my familiar contracts resulted in familiars with 1 or 2 rare skills and from the non-legendary gems I sold (from Lairs and daily 4-man content) I was able to buy a few more. Then it was just a case of doing the melding as I listed earlier in the thread.

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