Gameplay Sabotage - Clan Leaders Word

Today is the third time I am booted from a clan without proper reasoning or evidence to support the kick. You can make up whatever you want if you’re a “Whale” and have someone kicked from another clan. This is how the game works. It is gameplay sabotage and I’m sick and tired of the game being run by High Spenders. Punishment should be taken. More specifically, xxxJLxxx is the one running this operation.

If you’ve been clan-kicked three times, have you even begun to consider the possibility that multiple clans aren’t the problem, but that maybe you are? What are you doing that’s causing multiple clans to no longer want you in them?

A player can decide a clan is not right for them and leave it. In the same way, a clan’s leader / officers can decide a player is not right for the clan and remove that player. Are you seriously asking for a clan leader to be punished because they removed you from their clan?

I am not the problem. The problem is one specific person in this Region is forging material in order to get other members booted.