Further to the thread issues on players doing a "Catch-up"

I have noticed in many players who are in Inferno IV or freshly into Inferno V, that while you, BLIZZARD/NetEASE developers, were successful in restructuring the paragon, Combat Rating and advancement facilities; it is falling very short in other areas.

It has already been mentioned the gear upgrade factor. As already stated in another thread towards end 2023, you have allowed green upgrades, but there is no way latecomers can possibly be anywhere near those who have been in the game from the start. This is not the only problem.

It is also unfeasible for them to have many normal gems much past rank 5 unless they are whales. Whales prop the game up and the other 65%-70% of players are grateful, but of the higher percentile, the newbies are not all paying players, and go up well before their upgrades are capable of sustaining their life. So players I notice with CR of 30K and higher, amazingly have ridiculously poor damage, potency, armor, resistance and damage well below others of a longevity similar ranking.
How much? Their gear is as low as 11-16 and not all will be 16 or close to it and their gems often rank 3,4 and 5 only in combinations.

To be honest I do not know if there is a fair way to overcome this, but it is worth noting, that it may be worth considering giving a materials and normal gem advancement for newer players who do not meet the needed additions, like you did with the paragon and CR points.

BTW - I am not new and I do not suffer from this issue - However, in a Helliquary raid, battleground and team events, those newer players get one-shot and are dead within a minute, twice. So it does need to be addressed.

I do not expect others to completely agree, but most regular players will have noticed players who seem to have enough and die in no time at all, and at least agree on that. So it is a problem if balance is what you seek.


Link to the prior thread which is well documented in both its structure and math.