Feedback and Discussion Thread: New BG Map and Mode - Convoy

Greetings Adventurers!

With the release of our latest major update earlier this week, we introduced an updated map and BGs game mode. This update was made to address some of the major pain points that players had with the Map and game mode, and our early internal and beta tests showed positive results.

Now, I want to hear from you! How are you liking the new Mode and Map? What do you like, and what don’t you like? I’m aware there’s still things outside the actual game mode itself that players would like to see further improved (I’m looking at you, Match Making!), so let’s try and keep this focused on the gameplay and map.

Player feedback, paired with Data and analytics, help us make this game the best it can be for you all.

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Posted this elsewhere but seeing as this has been set-up I’ll post here:

Blizzard proudly claimed in their patch notes that the new BG would be a balanced PVP experience.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

1st Problem - The Bosses you kill in the middle - The kill is decided based on the last hit on the boss - utterly ridiculous as its complete pot luck even if you’re dominating, if one player on the opposing team survives and gets the last hit, they get the buffs for their team. Ridiculous to copy paste the same flawed system from Tower PVP.

2nd Problem - the map itself HEAVILY favours classes with extreme movement - particularly Tempests and Monks and to a lesser degree Saders. You have TRIED to compensate for this by adding portals - but it makes NO difference as those classes can simply Zip to you in a heartbeat.

DHs, and Wizards in particular may as well not bother playing this map, ever.

3rd Problem - The maps objectives HEAVILY favour Barbarians. The story of the tape so far from what I’ve seen - whichever team has the most barbs on their team, wins. So you’ve again created a BG environment where you can, literally, open the team roster at the start and know the outcome before the gates even open.

4th Problem - the enduring issue of class balance. Until you finally go back to your damn drawing boards and start BALANCING classes properly, you will NEVER create a balanced PVP system, and this is only exacerbated in a P2W environment and more so by creating a map that heavily favours classes that can zip around the map at leisure.

5th Problem - You’ve time locked the BG maps to only be playable at set times during the day. For goodness sake, GIVE THE PLAYERS A CHOICE! Let us play whatever map we want when BG is open, not be forced to adjust our play schedule to play the map we want. Many players CAN’T and can only play at set windows during the day. Just allow us to Q for whichever map we want please during the BG windows!

6th Problem - The new map IS BUGGED. Everytime you get a kill, the game freezes! For goodness sake TEST your damn content PROPERLY and BEFORE you release it!

Bottom line: The new BG map is Even WORSE for PVP balance than the previous map. At least the old map outcome was only ever based 90%+ of the time on whatever team had the most of whatever the “Meta” class was at that time or whichever had the most whales/smurfs. This one is flat out: Be a Barb/Tempest/Monk or Sader or have a miserable time playing it.

Just my 2 cents - but I’m hearing a LOT of similar complaints inside these first 2 days since release.


My main issue with the new battleground map is that you must play with a party of 2.

There are many players, including myself, that have difficulty arranging a party. This is well known to you and why you implemented a party finder mode for almost all activities.

Please implement a party finder mode for this new map as well, just like the old map, taking into consideration a match with a player very close to your own level, resonance, etc.

The same inherent issues with imbalanced classes is present here as well. I truly wish you would try and understand that all players wish to have fair and balanced classes and battles since it is much more enjoyable than killing others with ease or being killed very quickly over and over. You can verify this yourself by doing a simple survey of all players.

I understand, but completely disagree with the idea, that by always having imbalanced classes that it will create more revenue since some players will spend more money trying to become stronger.

The reality is that by having fair and balanced classes and battles, it will attract more players to your game since it will be a much friendlier, fun, and exciting environment for all. Those happy players will inevitably spend money on cosmetics, orbs and platinum for gems, etc.

There are many games that make obscene amounts of money only from cosmetics.

There will always be players that spend money, but the more happy players you have, the bigger your revenue.

The way things are now, with totally imbalanced classes, it is forcing many players to leave the game in frustration and costing you revenue instead of creating revenue from more happy players.


PVP is worst thing in this game and you do it more worse with every update.
No barbs/crusaders nerf = in most cases you lose because of “ward” staying on idol
New mode (map?) showing that 95% of players still not playing for objectives and chasing for kills
Also MM is broken. I dont want to play versus 6 barbs with 0 barbs in my team, this works in both modes(maps?).
With new mode(map?) you made more problems instead to polish and fix old mode(map?) with good mm system without your “cool” 50% wr balance system that i know from Hearthstone


Great, thanks for the new stuff, now fix what has been broken forever - match making is still garbage, team with most tanks (specifically barbs) can, in most cases, steam roll other team with next-to-no resistance. Barb’s hammer range and damage is beyond absurd, the fastest, tankiest, most death-defying class should not also have the highest burst damage in the game.

Most melee classes now have equal range to ranged classes, especially in the case of tempest and sader - this makes the binary melee/ranged system totally obsolete, and should not factor into bg match making - a monk or blood knight is not an equal counter to a barb, make class balances in match making more prominent.

My last point is an obvious pipe-dream, but one I feel the need to voice nonetheless - resonance brackets are needed, I spend the vast majority of the season in legend, and therefore in 8k+ resonance lobbies, so I am facing people double(+) my resonance most of the time. I am not asking for rigid brackets, but at least put a cap on how far above/below you can be vs the median in any given lobby - some illusion of balance would be nice.

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I will try to be as constructive here as possible, I really like the idea of this map and it does have some great potential with some polishing.

The two major concerns I’m having at the moment is:

1: The Sacred Guardians buffs should go to the team who have damaged the Guardian the most, it’s a bad design to let the last hit be the only hit that determines who kills it or not.
It’s way to random and makes the mechanic kind of pointless.

2: You could also consider slowing down the idols a tiny bit or maybe have a ”Lesser Sacred Guardian” spawn at each checkpoint and the Guardian won’t move until the team have killed it.

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The biggest problem of this pvp mode is barbs


No, you can queue up as a pair, but you’re not required to.
I joined it solo just fine a few times the day it went live.

You devs keep adding stuff without fixing the broken issues how about instead of adding crap you fix what is broken.

Matchmaking is broken and has always been broken
Tempest is a seriously broken in pvp don’t even get me started on necro but you won’t fix them as they’re favourable to the sea players since they’re probably the only ones keeping the game afloat since everyone else has stopped spending or left the game. These forums/post are proof of that they’re dead no one replying little to no dev interactions.
Demon hunter may as well be removed from the game as you won’t fix them and an extra 15% dmg reduction did nothing at all in pvp still getting 1 shot by EVERY class or CC’d to death from a mile away.

People having been bringing up the same issues for ages and you do nothing about addressing them putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t change the fact it’s still a pig.
You devs are a joke

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  1. The game pacing of this mode is extremely fast. The match tends to end in less than 2-3 minutes on average. I think the idol movement is too fast.

  2. The classes with damage immunity have a huge advantage over the classes without damage immunity or build without damage immunity.

  3. Duo queue easily created an imbalance matchup. What is the matchmaking going to do if 2 players with 13k reso partied up together? If BG matchmaking can’t even create proper matchmaking for the solo queue for BG after all these years, you can easily imagine an even worse outcome for duo queue. Iny my opinion, the duo queue should be disabled.

  4. The BG should shuffle between the old BG and the new BG when queueing the BG. Now all the whales can easily exploit this new BG schedule to the max. All they need to do is queue with another whale, and wreck everyone for fast win points for the entire 3-hour time frame, and repeat the process every day. They don’t even need to play the original BG for uncertainties due to solo Q.

That is all I can think of at this moment.


I absolutely do not want to be put into anything other than the battleground mode I pick. I want to be able to choose, not have the game force me into what a 50/50 coin toss decided I should do.

Instead of having the new mode only available 18:00-21:00 just make the option of both BGs available every time BGs are open, i.e. 08:00-10:00, 12:00-14:00 and 18:00-00:00.


I think they won’t do that because it would split the playerbase though.

I found the new Convoy map to be a refreshing change from the old map. It was chaotic, fun and a lot faster paced which allows for more matches in a shorter period of time.

Most players I encountered went wild hunting kills and didn’t realize that good strategy in this arena can easily defeat even some of the mightiest whales. The well-timed use of the portals, the elevated areas with healing stations, knowing that dying increases the res timer all play into winning a match. Splitting the team into pushing the idol and simultaneously defending against the other teams attempt to advance theirs is key to the strategy required. I presume that as time goes on, players will start to figure out the nuances.

The one thing I do have to agree with others about though, is looking at a team of Crusaders and Barbs versus a team of ranged players is disconcerting. This aspect needs to be more regulated.

I think they won’t do that because that would give them absolute, unequivocable, undeniable truth as to which of the two modes players prefer.

My cbaracter fell through the map and i restarted the game and still stuck

The biggest problem that existed in old BG continues to exist in this new game mode. As long as the objective is to stand on a circle for as long as possible, you cannot defeat the team with more barbarians who can stand on objective and both out-live you and out-damage you. You can only have fair game modes when you have fair class balances. What is even the point of a ranged classes (DH, wiz) today if the barbarian can pull you in from 3/4 screen away?

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Yesterday I played few BG Convoy and the class distribution is absolutely garbage. Why would one team has more tanks than the opposite team instead of has equal distribution? This didn’t happened once but multiple times. Maybe thanks to the duo Q.

and the team with more tank wins because the main point of this map is standing on the idol.

High reso tanks >>>>>> high reso DPS


The mode is fun, MM can sure be improved but it depends on players who tag at the same time.
This mode is also a good way to improve one’s skill in classical BG regarding the idol mechanic and map awareness (more proeminent in this new mode).
A drawback of current BG meta/build I see is that most builds are DPS oriented for the kills and CC in AOE played on the idol instead of around the idol. Maybe it could be necessary to fine tune a few essences. But, meta/builds will shift for this mode in a few days/weeks with the learning curve.

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Someone just explain WHY still these barbs dont NEVER die! …and you NEVER NERF them correctly!