Posted this elsewhere but seeing as this has been set-up I’ll post here:
Blizzard proudly claimed in their patch notes that the new BG would be a balanced PVP experience.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
1st Problem - The Bosses you kill in the middle - The kill is decided based on the last hit on the boss - utterly ridiculous as its complete pot luck even if you’re dominating, if one player on the opposing team survives and gets the last hit, they get the buffs for their team. Ridiculous to copy paste the same flawed system from Tower PVP.
2nd Problem - the map itself HEAVILY favours classes with extreme movement - particularly Tempests and Monks and to a lesser degree Saders. You have TRIED to compensate for this by adding portals - but it makes NO difference as those classes can simply Zip to you in a heartbeat.
DHs, and Wizards in particular may as well not bother playing this map, ever.
3rd Problem - The maps objectives HEAVILY favour Barbarians. The story of the tape so far from what I’ve seen - whichever team has the most barbs on their team, wins. So you’ve again created a BG environment where you can, literally, open the team roster at the start and know the outcome before the gates even open.
4th Problem - the enduring issue of class balance. Until you finally go back to your damn drawing boards and start BALANCING classes properly, you will NEVER create a balanced PVP system, and this is only exacerbated in a P2W environment and more so by creating a map that heavily favours classes that can zip around the map at leisure.
5th Problem - You’ve time locked the BG maps to only be playable at set times during the day. For goodness sake, GIVE THE PLAYERS A CHOICE! Let us play whatever map we want when BG is open, not be forced to adjust our play schedule to play the map we want. Many players CAN’T and can only play at set windows during the day. Just allow us to Q for whichever map we want please during the BG windows!
6th Problem - The new map IS BUGGED. Everytime you get a kill, the game freezes! For goodness sake TEST your damn content PROPERLY and BEFORE you release it!
Bottom line: The new BG map is Even WORSE for PVP balance than the previous map. At least the old map outcome was only ever based 90%+ of the time on whatever team had the most of whatever the “Meta” class was at that time or whichever had the most whales/smurfs. This one is flat out: Be a Barb/Tempest/Monk or Sader or have a miserable time playing it.
Just my 2 cents - but I’m hearing a LOT of similar complaints inside these first 2 days since release.