Enigmatic Crystal

Enigmatic Crystal!! 1325 in the inventory and without an option to use it, provide an urgent correction with this! I believe it was a bug in the update that brought the bracelets and when I upgraded a normal item it didn’t transfer the degree correctly! Att.

Device Type: Mobile
Device Model: iPhone 11 Pro Max
Device Operating System: iOS 17.3.1
Diablo Immortal App Version: Version 2.2.3

There absolutely are options to use them…

Both of these option are enabled by default, i.e. they’re On unless you change them.

If you have an upgrade that wants the lower materials, the blacksmith will use the higher materials instead, at a 1:1 ratio, e.g. if your upgrade wants 20 lower level scraps you can use 20 higher level scraps instead.

If you have an upgrade that wants the higher materials, the blacksmith will use the lower materials instead, at a 20:1 ratio, e.g. if your upgrade wants 20 higher level scrapts you can use 400 lower level scraps instead.

The same thing happens for dusts, shards and crystals, i.e. 20 of a lower level material will be used instead of 1 higher level material. Your 1325 yellow crystals would effectively be used as if you had (1325/20) = 66 red crystals.

not sure i follow i just turned this off and my 3k enigmatic crystals are still useless it does not use them instead of the red

so are you saying the game by default makes you eat your higher level mats so your lower ones become useless not sure i follow here…

i have 700 cryptic, my next upgrade is 1.7k when i turn off the option it doesnt show me as having more cryptic because enigmatics got converted its the same with or without the option toggled

It is not the same. If you have 700 Cryptic and 1000 Enigmatic, with the option toggled on you should see a “total” of 750 available crystals for upgrading.

The problem is that by the time you have enough crystals for an upgrade, there are also enough cryptic ones and the game doesn’t use any of the enigmatic ones. I’ve been stuck with more than 900 enigmatic crystals since my secondary equipment was rank like 15 or so.

IMO, there should be an option to exchange them (at the materials vendor, next to Charsi) and also to destroy any useless remains in your inventory (if you have 19 left, there’s nothing to be done with those).

so basically it does not use the enigmatics ever? because im looking at the conversion and yeah still not changing, my secondarys are over 15

am i understanding that by default makes you eat up higher lvl mats? pretty predatory

Supposedly, it should keep using the enigmatic ones at the 20:1 ratio until there are less than 20 left, but… It doesn’t.