All classes including Barb has an escape mechanism to get out of a fight or the myriad of CCs. Give Crusader one too. allow bubble while stunned!
At least, give the essence “Grace of the determined” the ability to launch CoL during a CC. This essence is supposed to removed negatives effects but cannot be used during CC (so mainly used against DoT). This could be a small trade off.
Additionally, we’re melee. If we get caught slightly by a cc, its pinball and game over. can’t do anything, can’t escape, can’t bubble, nothing!. please, allow for bubble while cc’ed
Crux Is totally unplayable on pvp cc/dot metà 2star gems are more performing vs reso or some 5 star…so il try staking armor no way idk why ppl with less pen can oneshot or deal dmg during invulnerability i wasnt under despell… the Cruz Need a rework atm Is underperformance too mutch
I agree. everyone has an escape mechanism - invulnerability. Sader. can’t bubble and stuck in cc til we die.
As for being one-shotted. You are singing to the choir. Stacking damage from new affixes
negates anything that Saders have. Even if you have 6k armor being hit by a 3k arm pen.
Bad enough we don’t have mobility (horse unusable in PVP). Now being a tank is no longer viable for Saders! great job Bilzzease!!!
There are 2 skills / 3 essences other possibilities to escape :
- Shield charge : but any CC break it/cancel it/bring back to start point, not counting anti-dash mechanism… => an anti-cc essence would be appreciated on this and CD reduction if the skill is interrupted (quite easy to interrupt/cancel shield charge nowaday…)
- Incandescence on Falling Sword BUT any CC cancels the selection of the skill, meaning that if i put my finger on it, a CC make the skill unusable then I have to remove my finger then put it back to initiate and move to activate the anti-cc => anti-cc starting when the skill is selected would help (i.e. before actual movement)
- Bale protector on Falling Sword needs to deal damage to an enemy before activating the anti-cc shield, making it useless against long range CC from wizard and co => activate shield and anti-cc when the skill is used (i.e. remove the damage dealt prerequisite)
Good callouts, however, they still won’t get us out of cc’s.
That’s why my suggestion was:
- allow us to bubble while cc’ed.
- Make one of the pants anti-cc for 3secs. just to get us out like other classes including Barbs (anti-cc that can literally walk out of cc while on dying rage).