Currently have an issue where every time I use this skill my character disappears and I have to restart the game
confirmed 80% of the time it leaves you in the iframeplane and freezes the camera in place until you cast it again on a fresh mob, just failed HSB because it thought i “left the zone”
Alright so I’m not the only one. Frustrating
In trial of hordes, being immune to dmg is game breaking
unfortunately had an instance where i casted it just before a heliquary boss died, and there were no new targets to get me out of the nether, was stuck in the instance lol
Still hasn’t been fixed
Still experiencing this issue on my end
Experiencing the same. Really annoying since they’ve nerfed chopper build to the ground, and one of the better builds left include Craigds mitt. Monk is becoming unplayable, again.