If you use Condemn with Hard Censure + Torrential Refrain it doesnt do damage at all.
Confirmed. It’s getting no damage at training dummies.
I’ve got the same … Condem makes 0 damage to all enemy’s. It’s for like a week or so right now
Still not fixed as of May 10th
I used to have a build based on this, currently useless.
Just checked is still shot… falling on def ears it seems.
This, combined with useless eternal gear upgrade of condemn (also not working)
I was really hoping for that build…
Edit : nervermind my comment on eternal gear magic affix (translation issue). But essences combination still giving no damage as of 19.07.2024.
02.09.2024 : still not fixed…
0 damage build that just stun people.
Can we at least have a grey shade on the description of Torrential Refrain and disable its effect when used with Hard Censure ?
Ninja fixed on 03/10/2024
Thank you ! Topic can be closed.