Broken legendary essences, we need a beta server to provide feedback!

Doing testing with “Anointed brimstone” helmet and no combination I have tested does more damage that “arrowkeeper” with banner. Just bake arrow keeper into banner already. No one uses banner without arrowkeeper. There are countless legendaries that are not used because they are not good, they are not tested. If they would do an actually beta with players we could identify these issue before they go live.

I could make a list a mile long of the issues with these legendary essences. To name a few:

*“Insulator: Conjuration of light now reduces the duration of loss of control effects by 50%.”. Does this work? Doesn’t seem like it, maybe there is just to much CC in the game to notice but everyone I spoke to says it doesn’t work.

“Censored Trespass: Shield charge now slams your shield to the ground, dealing damage and gathering enemies”. You don’t even have to cast this to see how broken it is. Just hold it down and look at the circle of effect. It pulls things to you that are already in melee range. It’s a joke and no one uses it for good reason

“SHIELDSWATHE: Shield Charge now charges to a location where it forms a shielded circle that enemies and their projectiles cannot cross.” - I will commend them for trying to fix this one in the last patch but it still has flaws. You can get loss of control after you cast this but before it finishes. In Battle grounds most of the time it will be interrupted. It ends up being a waste of the slot. On top of that while it sometimes blocks players a lot of the time it does not, they pass right through making it pointless.

This is just to name a few, most the main hand ones no one uses, sacred chain has yet to be useful, mainly because it misses more times than it hits. A lot crusaded are frustrated by how neglected the class is. A lot of use would love to test and give feedback to improve the class and fix the broken essences.