Blizz please support channel build (Spec 2) in endgame

Build: Ice crystal w/ disintegrate and ray of frost
Set: Seeds of Sown Gold and/or Grace of the Flagellant

Where Arcane has been buffed top to bottom, channel spec has seen no essences, no lego gems, and very little support. For that reason, its sub-par in both PvE and PvP.


  1. Running of energy kills channel spec and any PvP viability from Seeds 6pm bonus (your only hope in PvP). We need a Lego gem like the 1-star Trickshot that reduces channel cost.

  2. Damage. This spec leaves you pretty glassy but without the cannon. Damage is a distant 3rd behind Arcane and Fire - especially poor against single target. There needs to be some help for this with essences etc.

  3. Dependencies. You’re dependent on ice armor to survive and ice crystal for damage but without many alternatives to enhance either besides Halestone or marginally shorter crystal CD. Need some way to gear / essence for meaningfully longer CD or meaningfully shorter downtime … or some small chance of resetting CD or something.

Thanks - just would like to see this cardinal spec be a little more viable … I’m the last one left in my whole cluster at end game.

I think wizard it’s not a good class in pvp because other classes are for melee attack and the wizard it’s only for ranged; but in pve i like it a lot.

(I’m playing without spending real money)

Build: Ice crystal w/ disintegrate and ray of frost
Set: Seeds of Sown Gold, Grace of the Flagellant, Banquet of Eyes (2x every)

My reso is 85x (not high)
Legendary gems: differ from build suggested by using Chained Death and Viper’s Bite instead of Pain of Subjugation and Seeping Bile (and all gems are still low level)
Standard gems: a lot and different, most of them only level 5.