Blatant disregard for Blizzard's terms of service!

Despite multiple reports, a player who has been using AFK bots to farm platinum for a year has not been banned. Blizzard seems to ignore the situation, possibly because the player is pay-to-win. This botting breaks the game’s economy on the marketplace, yet the player remains unbanned despite using bots on over 30 accounts. The player increases their resonance and mocks Blizzard, while Blizzard allows it. If it were a free-to-play player, they would have been banned long ago. Your game policies can be easily mocked, Blizzard.

Whether or not a player has chosen to spend money in the game has no bearing on if we will take action against them for breaking the Terms of Service. I know this is an old adage that has been used in every game community since the beginning of time, and it’s simply not true, and never has been.

We take action when we can determine that a player has broken the Terms of Service. While reports are an important start to that, we need to take the time to investigate any instance of possible TOS Violation.

How does that gel with this…

You know unequivocally that every single player that posted times that were impossible without knowingly exploiting a bug were cheating, i.e. breaching the TOS / EULA. You’ve already done the investigations and confirmed it because you are removing them from the Leaderboards for the event. You know, with 100% certainty, that they cheated and yet you’re not even taking away the rewards they obtained by exploiting. These players should be suspended / banned.

The entire reason for posts like the OP’s is precisely because players can see evidence of blatant and long-term TOS/EULA breeches and you are not punishing the transgressors.

Heck, it’s not just cheating that isn’t being addressed. A few months ago I contributed to a thread where people were complaining that players who were openly making TOS/EULA breeching comments (being openly racist / antisemitic) in World Chat were being reported, multiple times, by many people and were not even being removed from chat, let alone removed from the game…

This is a long-term problem.

Can you tell us whether using alt character (2nd - 5th character) from the same account to farm platinum for main character is legal or not?

This must be the fourth or fifth thread in which I’ve seen you accuse the same, specific player of wrongdoing on the forums. You clearly know by now that it’s against the forum code of conduct to do so. Heck, you’ve even had a personal reply from the Community Manager telling you to stop it…

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Please stop this, running a greed spoiled dungeon is not exploiting a bug nor cheating, it’s a completely normal and regular gameplay. The leaderboards were cleared and points were adjusted, the rewards were a couple thousands gold and a few dusts that these players could keep. Even you could easily fall into this bug if you happened to run a spoiled namari before the bug were spread in the public.