AFK Farming is terrible for all Servers.. Allowed or illigal?


i want to know if you want to something in the Future against afk Farming ?
This feels like AFK Arena.
The Situation on our Server is so bad that the best Farmareas are still full of AFK People and its not possible to farm there.
Why did you remove the posion debuff after doing some Time nothing ? Why they did not log out ? And why the hell you make a Essence for the Necro for autofaming ?
Is it now offical legal for farm afk or can we get a bann for it ?
I see people 7*24 staying afk to farmā€¦Please do something !!!

In your Bluepost Cheating and Exploitation

You said
We on the Diablo Immortal team take a very firm stance against cheating, gameplay automation, hacking, and other forms of exploitation.

Gameplay automationā€¦ and you support this with this Golem Essence ā€¦

Please do something against this !!!



Not only that, many of these ā€œfarming areasā€ are also ā€œbounty areasā€. Imagine having the ā€œOutsiderā€™s Helpā€ bounty, you have to kill 60 MOBs in just a couple of places and one of them is always swarming with 12-15 characters strategically placed to wipe out everything in the area without even moving. And donā€™t you dare ā€œdisruptingā€ their farming!

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Oh yes i forget this Bountyā€¦Outsiders Help Bounty is so hard to made with fully Area of AFK Bots

I usually stand in the same spot with them to kill those monsters or I just lower down the difficulty to hell or normal, but generally I just stand with them. It is not like they will know I stole their kills since they are AFK. :laughing:


I know this view isnā€™t a popular one.

You didnā€™t steal anything. Theyā€™re open world mobs. That means theyā€™re contested and they ā€œbelongā€ to whoever kills them. Donā€™t go out of your way to interrupt another groupā€™s farm spot, but you certainly shouldnā€™t feel bad if you kill some mobs you need for a bounty / quest.


Hey everyone,

I completely understand your frustration regarding the AFK farming situation. Itā€™s getting out of hand on many servers, making it difficult for active players to farm efficiently.

Some key concerns that need addressing:

  • AFK players occupying top farming spots 24/7
  • Poison debuff removal ā€“ Why was this mechanic taken out? It used to help clear inactive players.
  • Necromancerā€™s Golem Essence ā€“ Does this officially allow AFK farming now?
  • Inconsistent enforcement ā€“ Blueposts mention strict policies against automation, yet features that support AFK farming exist.

So, the big question: Is AFK farming now considered an exploit, or is it an intended mechanic? If itā€™s not allowed, can we expect bans or other actions against these players?

Iā€™d love to hear from the devs on this. Please, take action to keep the traffic rider apk game tirafficridorgame fair for everyone!

What do you all think? Have you experienced AFK farming issues on your server?


Very nice summary

Thank you soo much

Well, this isnā€™t the first time this has come upā€¦

Basically, they say theyā€™ll ban EU, US and Asia players for automating but then they put automation functions directly into the Chinese version of the game client to enable them to do it officially. And they wonder why Western customers think their policy isnā€™t clear / globally enforced.

Thanks :slight_smile: ā€¦ But i wish to get here a official Bluepost from a MOD


These days, Necro players plug their smartphones into the charger and sleep keeping DI on all night. In next day morning, 10 legendary items arrive in the mails, and the field is overflowing with golds and Monstrous Essences.
Just introduce the Chinese auto-battle feature. So that AI do the farming, and human can focus on other fun events and content. So that the active population of PVP contents increases.

(Addition) Farming area tip.
DI dev. is increasing the monster density and frequency in the field (open world) with recent updates. Check the update notes to find new bonanzas. I know of such an area in dark wood.

This why we need open world pvp

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Something like,
If you request a duel and there is no response, the duel will take place and you can kill the other person. If someone say no to the question ā€˜The other person has requested a duel. Do you want to accept it?ā€™, they cannot kill each other, but if he say yes or there is no response for a certain amount of time, they can kill each other.

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Thatā€™s an idea which has one inevitable, bad conclusion, i.e. all the prime farming spots will be taken by large-wingā€™d players because if they find other players in the place they want to farm, theyā€™d just kill the players and take over the spot.

Another idea with an inevitable, bad conclusion, i.e. youā€™ll have players non-stop challenging others to duels, just to annoy them.


If you say no, it prevent duel requests for a certain period of time (for example, 30 minutes), then it will be OK.
But I was just saying because of ISuckAtDrumsā€™ saying, and I like auto-battle better.

So, the AFK farmers will have some auto-click software that clicks No for them.


:rofl: :+1: :+1: :+1:

If you talk like that, thereā€™s no end to it. Thereā€™s nothing that canā€™t be overcome with a macro program. No matter what traps the game company sets, he/she can make the macro which acts like a real human being.
You always talk by bringing up such a small number of bad cases.

Sometimes small number of bad cases is way too many. Open world PvP with opt out is way too problematic and open to rampant abuse.

This entire thread is about AFK farming, i.e. bad cases.

This is why, despite Blizzard saying theyā€™ll punish people for it, not only do they not do so, they included AFK farming into the game officially, but only for the Chinese client. If they actually wanted to prevent it, why would they literally put it into their own game?


Tbh this essence isnā€™t for us at all. This is 100% a Chinese addition where afk farming is legal.

The largest issue with AFK farming is the double standard of it all. It wouldnā€™t surprise me either if itā€™s a Blizz/ netease fight as well increasing the double standard of it all.