10 eternals crests missing legndary drop

Missing items after Boss in the elder rift after running a 10 eternal crest run two legendary draw and only one showed up in my inventory. It happened at 10:44 AM Eastern standard time.

If you ran an Elder Rift and put in 10 eternal legendary crests you should have received 10 unbound legendary gems from the end chest.

You say…

Are you saying that two legendary items (i.e. nothing to do with legendary gems) dropped from the chest and you could only loot one of them?

Anyway, this should be in the Bug Report forum. If you click the small blue pencil underneath your opening post this will put you into Edit mode. At the top-right of the Edit window, click the drop-down list which shows all the available forums, pick Bug Report, and click Save. That’ll move your opening post, and all replies, to that forum.