"You won't quit" they said

this level of logic is far beyond a whiteknight who blindly unfailingly is pro-bliz - you sir spoke too much truth in that stanza

preach - agree 1000x - im here because im upset/annoyed/frustrated - i wanted to LOVE diablo 4 , i wanted to be playing with my fam and buddies - instead of the 25+ ppl i had on bnet - only 3 are in game - (and they have been complaining on disc, but still playing lol)

i wanted it to be revolutionarily great - not revolutionarily historically BAD

I wish it was a treadmill.

Its like stare - stepper. That’s broken. So you takes a few steps and, ya that’s it.

I didn’t play today. I hope I helped you all get into the servers better. If you couldn’t, well maybe you should contact the company responsible for delivering a subpar product.