"You won't quit" they said

And this is exactly what we need to do… Be a thorn in their sides… Because if we just go away, they’ll continue to institute bad policies and bad changes, because the boot lickers will whisper in their ears how great they’re doing as they continue to lick the boots.

Don’t play, and continue to voice your frustration.


That would be terrible. If they didn’t care, they’d uninstall and move on. The whole point of all these threads is because they WANT D4 to be good.


Well why the heck do you waste your time on the forums Of a game you don’t even play? That’s so silly


Good for you. See you tomorrow when season 1 starts. I’m sure you’ll be the first one online. :wink:

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You have done what so many people couldn’t do two weeks ago, and still can’t do after the patch.

I am proud of you, sir.

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The post literally right above you answered your question, you silly goose.

It’s sad to me that there are people so addicted to having doodoo funneled down their throats that they literally can’t imagine someone else not being addicted like them. Very tragic, really.


subscribe to goosiest :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t read all the posts just the OP. That’s what most people do you silly harlequin

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In that case!

If they didn’t care, they’d uninstall and move on. The whole point of all these threads is because they WANT D4 to be good.


Whoever said he’s still here, he’s just rubbing that in our face. I can respect random person on the internet coming back just to tell “i told you so”. I’m not playing either, yet I quite enjoy the forums.

Game is garbage atm, so no dopamine. Thus, forums. Adhd brain go brrrrrrr.


Yeah, same. The game is no fun. Forum is where its at.

Blizzard give their defenders less and less materials to work with. It is funny to see their arugments fade away.


I’d argue it’s sad. I’d much rather have them give us carrots than sticks, but alas it is not the current reality.

Nobody is forcing you to be on the forums. Shouldn’t you be in game if it’s so great? Kick rocks.

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I’ll be in game tomorrow. Who plays a day before the new season starts?

You are preaching to the wrong guy my friend.

apathy is not a trait to be championed, so why are you?

Its quiet normal actually. I read the Forums all day but didnt play D4.

Last Year I uninstalled Lost Ark but kept reading the Forums for 1 months.

Forums become a coping mechanism for players who quit the game but are still addicted until they reach acceptance and also leave the Forums.

In fact, the more players are here writing instead of playing the game should be alarming.

Therefore only ignorance of the human psyche would allow someone to write something as clueless as…

“and yet here you are”…


Lol yeah my bad. I just realized. It blows my mind that if this game is so great then why would these people rather sit in the forums than the actual game.


Riiight. Look forward to seeing your announcement that you’re quitting before season 2; then 3; 4; 5; 10; 20…

The “I’m quitting” guy isn’t a new forum concept. Play any game long enough you’ll see the same people “quitting” on the forums over and over.

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