You! Wanderer! I know what you are!

“You! Wanderer! I know what you are!”

"You can’t be serious, Tomyris. Maugan’s Folly is lost. In ruins. Going back is… "

“First Carlo and now Leah. Something is out there killing us and no one will do anything.”

You all know what I’m getting at. Don’t pretend that you haven’t walked past these NPCs and said, “Just shut the ___ up already!” and then proceeded to take their questlines so you never have to hear there bs again. Well… until you walk past them on yet another character that is.

It’s freaking well past getting old, Blizzard, and you’ve even added a few new ones to the list of annoying NPCs I wish I could strangle in the new zone.

NOTHING SAYS IMMERSION LIKE HEARING THE SAME NPC SAY THE EXACT SAME THING EVERY TIME YOU WALK PAST THEM THOUGH! Great game design. From the ground up. Everything is so well thought out. Like your company has made MANY games before.


Hell, just be glad it doesn’t auto load the quests into our journal for hearing the first half sentence of a 3 minute long soliloquy.

None of these things have caused me any second though. I like the dialogues and I like the campaign flow overall.


I also am getting REAL tired of Varyana telling me that’s she hates being in town. Can we please, PLEASE, get a way to shut our mercs the hell up? This is Kormac all over again. For the love of Akarat give us a way to shut the NPC chatter off. The quest givers have blue exclamation points on the map… if we want to engage with them we will. But 99.997% of the time we don’t give a damn.


See… this is what I love about simple minded people. They can just get on in life, completely oblivious to any monotony they come across, and still have the time to just rub in it everyone else’s face. Class acts, these folks.


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I like her the best of all the mercenaries. She’s always talking shat and going on about crazy things.

I literally heard that line in my head when I read your title.

I hate you.

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Just be glad these arent IRL streamers !

Theres an easy solution. Do the quests. You will never hear it again. Wont take long :laughing:

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They should yell it out one time and thats it. Or put in a refuse quest option.

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Fixed your comment for the sake of accuracy.

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I have a solution, works for me every time. Don’t walk past the NPC.

You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

All you have to do is head over to the friendly dialogue volume option, and lower it to your liking…


This is one reason why I do all my shopping in Cerrigar and have it as my favorite town.

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Me too. I like the infrastructure of Cerrigar the most :laughing:
Plus if you go afk you can park your char next to the Pit Obelisk and when you return you have an incense buff most of the time.

NPC chatter never bother me at all. It’s just background noise. It’s like watching a movie then the cell phone rings. Just notice it then ignore it altogether.

I have told npc to shut the f up, every time anyone in the game starts talking basically. Specially if the speak in this white women interpretation of what tribal speak is like.

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if you do the side quest he doesnt say anything