Blizzard held a damage control chat giving out 1 spirit here - 2 fury there and 1% Damage reduction across the board to mages. Rest of the time was spent explaining how hardware issues are holding the game back in terms of zoom out, mob density and like we knew before, stash tabs. New game with already endless limits that are not changing simply because of consoles that are already struggling with current settings.
Few hours later - the ARPG world saw fresh and engaging gameplay from a new game (free btw) that is NOT limiting on ANY RESOURCES, ingame or in terms of hardware. This shows how far Diablo has fallen in the last decade and why the current D4 has almost no chance of expanding beyond the current version because of console limits.
The buffs to sorc seem pretty massive honestly. I doubt I’ll have any issues clearing tier 100 now on my eternal server arc lash sorc, which is a pretty mid build
I ended up watching some POE2 game play videos. I worry they’re going to have the same problem POE has, at least in my opinion. And that is… everyone is just going to be spamming a one shot skill that covers the screen.
There needs to be a middle point between D4 and POE.
Diablo has too many cooldowns and requires too much resource generation, meanwhile POE is a joke and just lets you make a hundred builds that clutter the screen in spam.
NO - I just actually pointed out the difference in what is coming for future APRG players. Game that has endless limtis for now and the future. Or a game that has both the now and future covered without those limits.
It’s up to the players to pick if they want to sit OOM in D4 in outdated and just boring arpg starving system - Or pick another option that has moved on both currently and for the long term future.
Consoles got nothing to do with this. They used a 15+ year old engine and didn’t fix any of the known issues in it. This isn’t hardware, this is the lack of anyone with real developer skill to go in and refactor the engine. At least Jeff Kaplan could write code.
Yeah picking from over 20 different classes with a 1500 skill point skill tree… and an action bar. That has 12 skills definitely isn’t for you. Prolly best you stay here with the same exact six classes that has existed for 20 straight years.
I think it is more people want to see D4 succeed and be the genre leader it once was, and instead they are seeing other games come out that actually have a desire to see the genre innovate and become better.
Well - if a good portion of the “more density I wanna kill 100 enemies at once” people go to PoE might be actually beneficial to D4’s…
Bring it down a bit and “redesign” some of the mechanics that linger for a better late game experience… Sadly they caved already to those ridiculous terms, and even worse - they started “defaulting” back again to Crit/Vuln
Truth be told the only reason why people called for it is faster leveling up (which could’ve been done in many a different other ways tbh)
But yeah, if that gets notched a bit down then perhaps D4 can be even more different/better in terms of late game than any other a/RPG there is rather
No you did. You are claiming something unsubstantiated off a single reveal. Its literally no different than the d4 reveals. With zero alpha or beta play by gamers other than the PoE peeps it has no grounding.
I don’t really want to see the genre innovate and become better. I just want a fun hack and slash experience. D4 for all classes but the chosen one Rogue isn’t a hack and slash. It’s a hack hack hack hack hack hack hack hack hack then slash once.
Just wait till set items arrives.Diablo is no different.actually thats what makes arpg blow monster/s (not a monster)with your powerful spells.for example with my sorcerer here is how my gameplay; teleport to pack of monsters use ice nova to make them vulnerable then use my core skill 1 2 times and them jump to another one.only difference is in D4 i do it more slowly