Yeah, this kinda sucks

I’ve been playing video games for 20+ years, and I wish that meant something to the younger generation, but I guess you have to make your own mistakes.

Others have mentioned it, but it’s glaringly obvious a key aspect of Diablo IV is to slow down the player. This game is one of the most obvious time-sinks I’ve ever seen. It’s very clear that the development team had “Waste Time,” on the whiteboard. Just because people are playing your game, doesn’t mean it’s a good game, but I guess the shareholders can’t tell the difference.

Like the only reason I’m still playing this game is because I spent money on it, and I want to feel like I get my money’s worth instead of feeling like I’ve been scammed. It’s pretty annoying that I’m playing at a good pace, and for no reason my character just stops moving, or attacking. Maybe it’s because Rapid Fire is supposed to keep you in place for 2 seconds after the animation finishes, even with 150% attack speed… Except this only happens like 30% of the time. Yes I’m aware of evading with Rapid Fire. I’ve had the game tell me “I can’t do that yet,” and all I’m trying to do is move my character, lol… It’s so bizarre.

Saying slow down the player might not even be the proper way of stating it. It’s like… I spend days generating gold, because most of the gear I find is junk. I don’t know why I’m even allowed to pick up items with Overpower damage or Barrier generation as a Rogue, it’s just so stupid. It’s obviously mucking up the item affixes to force me to farm even more than I should have to.

So then what do I do with the days spent making gold? Try to enchant my gear. 50,000,000 gold that took 20ish hours to generate is spent in less than 1 minute trying to find ONE affix on a piece of gear that’s closer to a side-grade than an up-grade. It’s so unrewarding. Then after failing to find that affix, the next enchanting cost is like 10m. It’s exponentially ****ty. Not to mention the world boss spawns every 6-8 hours, and the loot is a complete joke. It’s all a joke to be honest. I’ve killed hundreds of treasure goblins and oh boy some low quality legendries. My 500th Butcher and it may as well be dropping a middle finger and a pile of its droppings. I’d rather just waste a revive dying to it instead of wasting the 5 minutes killing it.

I mean there’s so many problems with this game, and… I guess I’m old enough now to realize… There’s nothing that Blizzard can do anymore, nothing this development team can produce or patch, there’s nothing that’s going to rinse my mouth of the terrible taste of that garbage launch. Like, for an indie company, sure. For a $20 game, sure. For early access, sure. But to officially launch a game for $70+ developed by a AAA studio gaming company worth over $60,000,000,000. It’s disgusting. It’s shameful.

The problem is they already have my money, so I’m super inclined to continue playing this obvious time-sink until I feel like I’ve earned the money I’ve put into it. Which at this rate… That’s like 10 more years.

I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that this games launch is the stake through this company’s heart that finally begins its descent to irrelevance. You guys used a brand-name like Diablo to take advantage of your consumers. It’s absolutely appalling. I feel so much sadness for all the programmers, graphic artists, all the actual workers of this game, to have been so screwed by the development team, the management team, whatever you want to call the people that are making the decisions.


Very well spoken! Many feel the same sadly.


It’s really a shame. Just know that there are many many people out there that see exactly what you have seen and know exactly what you’re talking about.

It seems to me the company is only interested in time engagement metrics so they can spin that as more projected cosmetic sales to shareholders. I believe this has been the plan from the start because they have no ambition to create a game that will retain a large player base. They seem to understand they’re not capable of it anymore, so they aim for the small player base but with high time engagement metrics.


So yea Rogue with Barrier Gen and Lucky Hit while you have a Barrier Active. I love the latter affix they added!
They removed “priority Affixes” from the Occultist and seemed to have made those 2 Affixes priority on Rogue gear :rofl:
p.s. Yes yes yes to Overpower too.

Otherwise: Yes.
It’s called Affix Bloat watering down the Affix pool prolonging the ‘loot hunt experience’.
That will likely be interpreted as “Wanting only perf gear” followed by the canned comment: “Ur not s’posed to have perf 4/4. Want an i win button? If you were all BiS you’d get bored and quit…”
Sigh… There’s simply nothing to target, nothing to chase. Just rares with confetti stats. Not even hierarchy to the placement of Affixes which increases reading Time!
ie. If we knew that Vuln for example always spawned in Affix slot #4 and Crit Damage appears in Affix slot #3 - Then players would know AT A GLANCE if an item was desirable. Nope. It’s all intermixed and mingled 'n mashed together willy nilly. More Time.

The Occultists are an extortionist design robbing players of their Time investment with ridiculously minimal return. It’s (proverbially)criminal Time theft(not actually criminal…just user unfriendly, unenjoyable time-sink coding to the extreme).


I know this was a long read but I absolutely believe you hit the nail on the head here. I feel almost identical.


I’d say just do yourself a favor, and take a good long break from the game. It’s a perpetual license, no need to fall into the psychological trap and think you need to get enough tedious hours out of the game straight away to justify buying it, or cope with the regret.

Frankly the game ain’t worth long term investment, time or money. Just check back once in a while, play it again someday if it ever gets better.


I agree with you. I finished the battle pass and the season journey, I was thinking about continuing leveling to 100 to kill Lilith for the “friend” title, but I don’t think it’s worth it after reading how awful the Lilith fight is and all the glitches in the fight. And, come September 1, I’m playing Starfield, BABY! LET"S GO!!! :star2: :star2: :star2:

I don’t have the motivation or enough sanity to try and kill Lilith 800 times before September 1, and that’s even if I could get to level 100 by then, which I also don’t feel like doing, because it’s a drag.


Yeah, put a little more value on your time.

It aint worth continuing to play if you arent having fun, no matter how much you paid for it… And perhaps the only way Blizz can truly hear you is if you STOP playing. At least for awhile…

Im about there and the underwheling fixes and season 1 has me eyeing up some other games. Might come back if they spruce up D4…


Other characters on your account might have use for it. That seems like A-RPG design 101. Definitely also 20+ years ago.

Tbh, that is just an unhealthy mindset. If you dislike the activity, wasting your time on it wont make it earn its cost. Instead you will just pay twice for it. With both your money and your time.
Why do that to yourself?


Drop the sunk cost fallacy and ease your suffering. There are plenty of better games to play, with even more on the horizon.


I have no issues with the pacing of the game itself, my problem is there’s not enough activities for the player to do towards or at endgame. It’s just nightmare dungeons or PvP with the occasional hell tide to break things up a bit. This obviously gets boring fast.

This is also compounded by the horrible itemization in D4. You can gear yourself out once you hit torment difficulty, only finding minor stat upgrades beyond that point. There’s nothing juicy left to chase except those ridiculous uber uniques no one cares about, because realistically you’ll never see one.

Just really odd design decisions from a company that you’d think would be well experienced making these games.


-Hey look son a gamer - points at OP.

One of the better threads in this forum.

My 500th Butcher and it may as well be dropping a middle finger and a pile of its droppings

And this, can actually turn out to be a good rare item to hunt from the current playerbase.


I’m a firm believer that they have no idea what they are doing with itemization. I believe this core issue with the game will not be addressed meaningfully outside of a paid update.


We feel you OP. Blizzard has been in decline for a long time. The only shameful thing on my own part was not seeing trough it all before pre-ordering this thing.

All the other red flags aside. There were 2 MAJOR warning signs towards this game being bad on release.

  1. The announcement of “Diablo Immortal.”
    Releasing something so vile should have been a sign to stay away from anything with the Blizzard trademark henceforth.

  2. The marketing campaign.
    I didn’t pay attention to it and I should have. I checked it out when it was too late.
    The sheer amount of resources poured into the marketing for Diablo 4 prior to it’s release was beyond ridicule.
    You have to make the realization that there is no way Activision-Blizzard would waste that much money on marketing if their product was up to standards.


Heartfelt, down to Earth - good post.


It’s because end game as a concept is not cohesive with this game style as a whole. Unfortunately games these days all suck at the journey portion so end game is all anyone has to look forward to, which is horrible in this game.

tldr, but yeah d4 bad


I’m still enjoying several things about the game so hanging in there but my patience for meaningful change is running out.

Only thing I’ll say is, if you’re ONLY playing at this point because of the money you spent, your time is more important than that money. If you get nothing out of this game, move on to something you enjoy. A game is meant to be played for fun and I hate the idea of you putting in hours just because you spent some money. That’s a JOB, except backwards!


It’s an unfortunate catch 22 for them on the enchanting issue.

If they make enchanting easier to roll the stats you want, you will have an actual full bis set of gear at around level 65.

This exacerbates the problem players run into after level 50 of: What do I do now?

If they fix the enchanting system, you’ll literally just stop playing because there’s nothing else to do in the game. I guess some people really like grinding to 100, but I think the consensus is that literally nobody thinks “grinding to 100” is good and engaging gameplay.

They literally can’t fix the system because that’s all the game is.

The game is: 1) Grind your renown; and 2) grind gold for the enchanter.

Removing or fixing either of these things halves the amount of “ACTIVITIES” in the game.


I think this is the best way to handle trying to get value out of your money spent. I’m not going to make myself suffer playing a bad game to get my money’s worth, and only hope they fix it down the road.

Though I am angry that one accidental button push will buy a season pass for you without asking if you are sure.

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