Yeah man I quit

I won’t even harp on the campfire chat disaster. But this game is all about the loot. This game was already on thin ice with basically unobtainable ultra uniques, but the most hardcore players still had hope of getting lucky. After this Shako bs, where anyone that had to work missed out even if they’d been farming for tens or hundreds of hours for this item, but random neets got it for free, you’ve ruined the game. You’ve literally ruined the point of the game. You trivialized the entire chase for a nonrandom subset of people, and pissed the rest of us off to no end, knowing that we’ll never get them at the original drop rate. This game was already boring 70+, and now I’m definitely done with D4.


Earlier today I made a post where I said I’d permanently quit if they tried selling stash space. Might be sooner than that, guess we’ll see how the respond to this debacle.


If their response is just “Helltide chests no longer have an increased drop rate of ultra uniques”, that’s enough of the company for me. Just constant “you guys don’t know what you want” energy from Blizzard. This sht is just disrespectful of our time.


If there’s one thing we can count on, it’s that they are going to respond to this in a manner way stupider than we expect. I’ve lost my fire for this game completely. I’m checked out and won’t be playing season 1 despite having already paid for it.


tl;dr mimimi everyone got shaco but i dont


first it was the dungeons now this… whats next?


Hey its only 1 in 800,000 uniques.
Youll get it someday.
Just keep farming, and keep hoping that you roll them out of 800,000 uniques that ever drop.
Keep counting, how many uniques have you gotten? if you didnt get one after getting 800,000 uniques then you are unlucky.


The entire point of the game is loot. They themselves are trying to call these items the “case items” of endgame. Why would anyone chase these items for hundreds of thousands of hours, knowing that a bug gave thousands of players the same item within a 60 minute farm? No one should. It’s implicitly agreeing your time is worth less than gamers who never leave their basement to go to work.


give shako before pls


sounds like a personal problem if they already got the chase item easier, doesnt affect you the slightest. And when the season starts no one cares anyways cause you start new so still mimimi


If you actually think other people getting gear doesn’t effect you, you need to use your brain a little more.


ok tell me more, how does it affect your gameplay? you probably playing solo anyways right?

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It literally doesn’t though, how about you use that brain of yours and tell us how you’re affected by this? Other than the obviously rustled jimmies.


OK bye :slight_smile: See you in season 1 or in the expansion :slight_smile:

you are absolutly not alone in here.

The whole Game was designt around the uber uniqes … now its a joke and tons of player dont want to play anymore.

Our Discord went from 50+ active player invoice to not even 10 anymore after this garbage.

If they dont rollback server at this points its over …


No, I don’t play solo. Many people don’t play solo.

Many people look for MF groups and NM groups in discord and groups only contain 4 players. Why would they invite you over the sorc or barb with a Shako? People already discriminate on build/class when making these groups, now it will get much worse.

Many people like to PvP. Why would you PvP against people running around with a well rolled Shako?

Ultimately, why do you play this game? Many people play for the loot, because it feels good to get a rare item. Rare items are rare because not many people have them. That’s the definition. If everyone had a Shako, would it feel good to get one? Probably not so much. If no one had a Shako, would it feel good to get one? Yes, I’m sure it would feel great.

Even though the game doesn’t allow trading, if they return Shako to it’s original drop rate, this also inadvertently created a market for selling accounts for thousands of dollars. Some sorry saps are going to be spending their life savings because of Blizzard’s mistake here.

Use your brain.


Major copium thinking someone is getting expansions with this garbage XD Let alone the other issues.

The wound is going to be real deep.


:joy::joy: stop crying blizz dont care


what if they go radio silent?

Blizz is going to care when they lose their jobs to layoffs when their playerbase leaves in droves over mistakes like this and their recent decisions. Their last title, Overwatch, was a disaster and lost a ton of money and now only exists as a cash grab. Cash grabs are all they are going to have left.