Yeah man I quit

You already bought they game, I didnt think they really cared.
What they cared next from you is to sell you the expansion.

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If you, and Blizzard, don’t think reputation of a company matters, you are sorely mistaken. Some mistakes are whatever. Undermining the entire point of your only good IP left is a whole new ball game.


blizz dont give a s* about if you play or not, they have your money and probably most will also buy the expension cause maybe they learned from their mistakes just to get disappointed again but still got the money from buying it…ppl never learn

Nothing a charge back cant fix ^^


Their reputation is already tarnished on D3.
Look on it on youtube, Diablo III: A Cautionary Tale | 12 Years of Development Hell
This game is just continuation of Diablo 3 design, not D2 and D1.
Diablo 4 is just re inventing the wheel like D3.
And we can just sit back and see do they succeeded or fail horidly.


Very apt way of putting it. But they will most likely word it as “Fixed the drop rate of ultra uniques in helltide chests” - leave you wonder what was fixed lmao.

I can’t imagine a company who can rival with Blizzard now which is disrespectful of player’s time, but they sure have dirty tactics. If it were EA on the Anthem release, Blizzard may still have a way to keep the players playing. There must be some kind of sorcery here.


Agree that their response to this will determine how they are viewed as a company and wether the game is viable or not going forward.

Also agree that a poor response to this = game not worth playing, and yes charge backs may be in-order if their response is poor and refund not offered.


Off topic: honestly I can’t recall any great games from Blizzard anymore except D2, Starcraft and Warcraft 3? Most of those are 10/15+ years old right?


Yeah you’re right, pretty much back when they were a fundamentally different studio. Before the Activision-Blizzard merger.


Ever heard of a “chargeback”?

Game is 1 month old. thats WELL within the dispute policies of nearly every major credit card, bank, and Paypal.

Again though: im still holding out hope that we will hear an appropriate and reasonable response from the dev team in the morning.


try it, they will tell you you played more than 2 hours and wont give your money back, i’ll guarantee it. Pls keep me updated how it worked out for you :rofl:

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I don’t remember hearing about a round of layoffs due to Overwatch. Pretty sure they made their money back and millions more.

I feel like no one remembers The Great Fallout 76 disaster


Nah man, that works for some amount of time if you really love the game or IP, but it’s probably not going to work for Blizzard this time.

This game is too new, with too many flubs already in the first couple weeks. I’m willing to bet very few people have a strong enough attachment built up for this game to really stick through hard times. Especially since the most hardcore players have been the loudest in how there’s no endgame with zero possibility at new loot 70+.

I just don’t see people actually sticking through this one. I’m guessing it will go the way of Overwatch. Some very hardcore fans will stay, but as a live service game, it will flop.


If you do a chargeback I’m pretty sure they lock your entire blizzard account. Have fun with that.


I feel you but will not comment on “chargeback”.

You are very likely not getting a response, but just a simple notification that it’s a fix, Oops correction: “fixed”.


He won’t care anyways, to that point lol

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Seasons are not the main game for anyone with a life. Like get a job touch grass buy a dirt bike get laid try having a wife or kids and youll realise gearing in 3 months with no trade is a no go. Let alone jumping through hoops for a battle pass just to get rewards you basically already paid for.


Almost everyone in the original OW team was replaced or just left, they removed Overwatch 1 because they couldn’t financially support it, and made it Overwatch 2 with a cash shop to suck more money.

Even that wasn’t enough to keep headcount up, because they had to cancel part of PVE and charge you for the other part of it. How does any of this say Overwatch was doing well?

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