Xbox natively supports mouse and keyboard

" This week, Microsoft posted up [an Xbox Wire blog post] dedicated to the new keyboard mapping feature, including a walkthrough of how to get this new addition working for Xbox Insiders. It mentions that this feature will work on nearly any PC game with these controllers, along with the over 100 Xbox games that support keyboard controls."

And now the door opens for controlls to be able to bind the extra buttons you have on Microsofts elite controller to actually be a seprate button.

But the GAME need to add the support for it to work. We need at least keybord support in diablo 4.



If you prefer playing it with Mouse & Keyboard why didn’t you get it for PC?


Not everyone has a good gaming pc…
My pc has frame rate drops in wow while playing on medium settings if I have a web browser open. I don’t play enough pc games to justify an upgrade.


Not going to happen, they’re not going to ruin the game for the majority of the console players. That’s why D3 is 13 years and counting with no MKB.

Thank you Blizzard for ignoring the whining.


While I prefer playing on controller, one major benefit to mouse is I’d be able to highlight the armor stat on inventory screen like pc players so I can actually know how much dmg reduction I get from armor. The detailed stat page only tells you how much armor comes from gear and stats.

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Yeah, players don’t realize the loss of not having a mouse. Being able to see loot on the ground or be able to dash/evade to exact spot on the map is extremely underrated. I’ll argue that top tier dungeons won’t be completed easily without that ability to dodge 1 hitters in the top dungeons. To the people in the post asking why not play on PC? A lot of us console players are here because we have a MAC and played all the other Blizz games on a MAC. Fortunately, I already had a console or I wouldn’t have played at all.


I would like it for chat.

I can no longer sit at a desk and play with m/kb. I also cannot afford to get a new gaming computer. Thus I have a console with a controller. I would like to have kb for chat though. Chat on a console is ridiculously clunky.

Since modern consoles support m/kb and the game is designed to be played on PC with either m/kb or controller there is no reason to not allow console players access to m/kb if they choose it

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You clearly still don’t get it.

  • D3 was originally released on X360 and PS3 (show me one with mouse and keyboard, unmodified)
  • D3 team hasn’t had enough resources for 7+ years, resources they would need to completely rewrite the game.

As far as I know that 7+ years is longer than keyboard and mouse has been supported on more than handful of 1st party games on Xbox One.

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Wish Blizz supported MKB set up for all consoles too


You clearly don’t understand if this was something they wanted to do, it would have been done already. Plenty of resources for D4.

Oh and the fact they said no, not happening.

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Then why do you keep bringing up D3?

How do you know they have enough resources? You do know that they have intentionally made leveling past 50 painfully slow, right? Why would they do that? Can you guess?

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I’m bringing up D3 to make you understand no matter how much you whine or cry they’re not going to add MKB to D4. They recently explicitly also said not going to happen.

There’s reasons for this. An absolute majority of console players don’t want to be pooled in with MKB players. Blizzard added an option to disable crossplay so we don’t have to bother with MKB trash.

It’s not happening. It’s kinda funny that you think they would please a tiny minority of people and anger the rest to the point they might quit.

As I said in the past, if its a tiny minority, per your vast research, then why do you even care? (unless you know your “research” is not anywhere near valid) You’re a chicken s**t.

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Dont think ive would had buyed xbsx and pre-ordered d4 at all if i known there wasent gona be m&k support.

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So basically you’re a moron and didn’t do one single Google search on what you were buying… what an odd thing to say, but there you have it.

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I for one would love to see MKB available in D4 console, as well as many other games. That would be awesome.

Whether Blizz do or not is up-to them, and it won’t phase me either way.

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Because the thought of paying above common retail price for nothing but a digital entitlement… would only be appealing to someone born after 2010?

I play on pc but bought the console version for giggles to make myself feel better about paying full price. Worked out alright, i very much love the controller now.

I did. But ive kinda assumed it would be added later on since it should be easier to add support in diablo 4 then call of duty, and other fps games that wherent developed from start to use m&k.

I would be extremely happy if the right stick had a cursor to aim skills or highlight armor/etc. It seems so obvious and I just can’t understand why this wasn’t done. And if dead set against it they at least could have put dodge there instead of it’s extremely lame position on the B button. Dodge on right stock could have given us a 7th skill slot. I still would have preferred right stick to be a cursor but instead it’s neither, yay.

Can you bind right stick? Says in options that if you use it to cycle targets you cant bind it to anything else. So ive tested to uncheck it. But i cant bind the stick to anything else still. Is it a bug?
Sure you can bind the press/button function. But that you can always do anyway, regardless if you use it to cycle locked target or not.