Xbox natively supports mouse and keyboard

You can bind it to evade, and it does seem to work in the direction you tilt. However unless you have high CDR or multiple evade charges it doesn’t really feel that useful.

PC Master Race says no KBM for the plebs. Git Gud! Your Welcome!

I’m not sure what you’re complaining about because my keyboard works just fine, and it has from the beginning.

You know that black guy on YouTube that says he’s really funny common sense responses to people doing stupid stuff and he throws his hands out open Palm face up? Rhetorical this is one of those moments.

Are you sure your keyboard is receiving power? If your keyboard has batteries did you put the batteries in? Of course a thousand other smart asterisk comments come to mind and they’re all rhetorical questions. But the imagery that comes to mind and then that YouTube guy is hilarious.

Because a gaming PC that can use my 4K screen well is crazy expensive compared to a console.

But crossplay is a thing no? Why not add Qol for those who play crossplay?

yes please for the chat!

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Or we have PC laptops that simply won’t run games like this at full quality. I use my device for coding, writing and video editing none of which requires cutting-edge machine. That’s why when I do gaming, I have my Series X do the heavy lifting.

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Off topic slightly. I play on Xbox with a controller and my USB keyboard plugged in to communicate to groups or friends. Hah.