It’s time to permanently disable cross play

Please separate the PC from the console community. I clicked off cross play a couple of weeks ago and will never go back. I recommend the setting for all players and should be the default instead of the opt out. If all PC players made that selection there is no reason to keep the communities blended.

That way PC players can get the QoL features we have come to expect from a computer game.

Open key binds (why can I not assign space bar to clear all open windows?)

Search function in skill tree and stash.

WASD movement (I wouldn’t use it, but some people want it).

World/Trade chat

Group finders (Immortal and D3 had it, I’m assuming not having it has something to do with console).

That’s the list QoL features that we don’t have because of console?


I know when I built my PC, what I was shopping for was things to enhance a cell phone app blown up to 32" monitor.
I like to see my GPU fans go 12000 RPMs too while my CPU is napping.



why is this forum hilarious now, am i high or something


I think that is a great point.

With the risk of sounding elitist, most gaming PCs cost 2x to 10x the cost of the latest and greatest console.

I get that developers want to sell more units, but it’s rough having to play games dumbed down to console specs.

I for one would pay more for a PC specific version of a game as I paid 4x for my PC versus the retail cost of a console.


PC people hating on consoles don’t realize the latest consoles are better than the avg PC

just because its cheaper price doesn’t mean it sucks, the price is cheap because sony/microsoft make ends meet when they sell games in the store with the 30% cut off everything sold



I play Diablo 4 with my brother. He’s on PS5, I’m on PC. He doesn’t have a PC powerful enough to run Diablo 4, and I don’t have a PS5.

Neither of us are going to shell out for a PC/Console so we can play the game together.


I play with people on PS and Xbox so no thanks.


Oh a thread of PC elitists…this will end well. (seriously), get over yourselves, you aren’t special or elite or in any way better than console gamers.

And before you make the inevitable dumb reply.

My first gaming PC was a Commodore 64, and I’ve been PC gaming since.

My first console was an Atari 2600.


You can still play together on your brothers PS5 with couch co-op.

Then you can play and spend time together.

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there are 5000000x more console players than PC players so that’s where the vast majority of the money is.




I’m happy with cross-play, it’s convenient for both of us and it’s not going anywhere no matter how much you want it to. Turn it off and play as you will, but don’t push for taking functionality away from folks that enjoy it.


LOL I tried turning crossplay off and it was a ghost town.

Yeah good luck with that champ.


Wrong. We are special because we aren’t limited by scam console hardware that should have stayed in 2012. We literally can’t progress because they are holding us back.


“Oh Heavens Marcus close the drapes, the peasants have come to revolt!”

Don’t strip the fun out of building a PC, this is why we do this.

You’re special because you ride the short bus.

I’m sorry you measure yourself worth by your overpriced hardware, but it changes nothing. PCs aren’t ever going to be the main gaming demographic again, so you might as well come to terms with that sooner rather than later.

Otherwise you can shout at the clouds all you want, but it won’t help.


I love winning arguments. Thanks man, no rebuttal means my point still stands as a WINNING point. Later man.

for people who worship china (tencent) aka path of exile, the game is a 1 button spam, literally 1 button

diablo 4 has 6 buttons

you think… consoles are holding you back? your precious holy made poe… which is 1 button… is being hold back by consoles?

cmon bro, ARPG as a genre is for casuals, has nothing to do with pc vs consoles


That’s great that you are happy and I’m glad that you are enjoying time playing with family.

The price of that convenience is a lesser product missing many QoL features that have existed in computer games for over twenty years.


Dude I just got into poe after grinding a barb in d4 last month and what you just said is literally delusional. I play a melee character in both and the amount of complexity in how i play the class in poe makes my barb look like a toddler. You are clueless.