Wrap Up: Beta Feedback

Okay so now that the fuzz is fading and the doom and gloom hate feedback is coming to an end, I guess it time for an objective overview of the initial experience with Diablo IV with some constructive tweaks for the devs.
Please feel free to share below if you have something legitimate, no general hate please. Here are my suggestions (some will wrap up also what many experiences as well).

  1. EN subtitles in intro video were not synchronized with the voice. They are late of 1-3 sec roughly;
  2. The stuttering is real. That I suppose is just question of optimization;
  3. Additional separate menu tab for gems, like for craft materials. I mean seriously we’re at the fourth title can we please get over with it;
  4. The aspects are very cool, but honestly I think a sort of “collect them all” also for the ones you collect from legendaries would be better. I felt kinda bad when I added to a legendary and aspect, just for then discover I could not get it back;
  5. The world around felt quite too shiny. Not sure how to explaini it but I suppose if you’ll turn off a little the light would feel more real and believable;
  6. Map Icons, I think would be better if you could see at all times all things you discover anywhere in the map you already explored and then leave to the user what to hide. I often was opening the map and seeing nothing at all so no idea which route to follow depending on the activity I wanted to do;
  7. Some side missions, even if started, were not triggering the dungeon entrance or some shortcuts were missing. I had to restart to have them available;
  8. With control on PC, the button “sort” for the storage disappears;
  9. The Spider Boss. Oh boy that spider I am going to remember him. Please a little less snaring web around it is really punishing as it is;

My personal experience:
I decide to try the Rogue. I wanted to go for a melee build but tried a free mix and match with also ranged skills. I think that the beta gives enough to have an initial taste of the tone, the environment and a glimpse of what it could become your character in end game.

I think that any definitive judgement is a mistake. There is simply insufficient game there, I am very satisfied so far and I think the game will be great.
There is enough variety for casual and does not feel overwhelming as of now, plus there are many missing systems still. Everyone whom condemn and criticize the game is just doing so too early and too soon.

My greatest concern, of which nobody talks about because too concerned on complaining of this or that, is that in this title there is no Deckard Kain (at least so far, we know death isn’t really a thing nowadays). I hope the story and the npcs that we will talk with are sufficiently interesting and well written, Lorath Nahr seems on the right path but let’s see.