Wow, you dare call this "Diablo"? lol

Then tell me where are the skill for rogue? It has 3 ranged skills in whole tree and they all sux hard. Even amazon from 20 years old game has more options.

Barb as well he got whirwind and upheaval rest of his skills sux hard, D3 barb is superior in this regard.

Druid is just terrible all small aoe skills and 1 skill for bear and wearwolf, really tragic.

So why is it the game such as donwgrade in skill options from D2 and D3?


well, blizzard north did want to move towards mmos, and they wanted pvpā€¦so they are slowly picking up where the good games left off.

what are you even talking about? you got what? 40? 100? 200? hours at most in on this game?

you think youre some end game theory crafter but really youre just some kid screaming that he wants his booboo online.

lets get something straight, we all know that you dont know anything about this game.


diablo died pre RoS blizzard died 2006 R.I.P

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Itā€™s mind boggling to me that a grown adult took the time to make this post.

You need something better to do with your life.

I dunno, this post took more effort than the whole Diablo 4/10 :person_shrugging:t2:


You just exposed yourself that you are playing the game wrong and donā€™t understand simple concepts :clown_face:


These voices in your head arenā€™t real, you donā€™t have to reply to them

lol there are so many dmg multiplicators in D4 that if you hunting only green arrow that makes you lame instantly and make even lamer in end game :smiley:

I agree with the OP. Felt so much like Diablo Immortal I was truly disappointed and canceled my pre-order. No thanks.


guess op wants every diablo game with a linear level structureā€¦

Okey bud, see you later then.

Stop whining and play another game then. Literally nobody cares.

Stay customer focused at your current job. Sounds like you do a great job and you enjoy it. Maybe in a year or so Diablo 4.1 will be out. I do agree that it sure seems rushed. I would have been happy to wait till 2024 or 2025 for a polished game.

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Actually, closed beta players have a pretty good idea what the end game is like. Thatā€™s all the closed beta was.

In the full game they will let you take the risk

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Also they are greedy *****.
As if 70 Euro would not be expensive enough, they want me to pay 90 to be able to start at the same time as others.

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i mean, maybe if your in ashava zone, i canā€™t give your statements much credit with silly exaggerations.

Oh trust me, he was abusive to no end :S

Yeah correction on that i saw some videoā€™s they are talking about the end game experience and did not hear really any complaints on that part?