Wow, you dare call this "Diablo"? lol

I understand the release schedule would makenyou think otherwise. It is meaningless. Wyatt Cheng mentions this in his interviews post 2018. That is the reason the game is as heavily monetized they it is because it’s intended audience was for the Chinese market alone. Some time befire 2018, they decided the game was actually good enough to bring globaly, because outside of the monetization, DI is a solid gaming experience on mobile.

Suggestion: turn on auto-correct. A glaring typo on the first line of your post doesn’t help your argument!

I agree. The bad is really out weighing the good.

This game will be good for about 3 months. Then most players will just move on. There is no long term play here.

Horrible UI … Where are resistances found …why is there no overlay map option

Horrible Monster scaling

Less talents and skills than we have ever seen.

How do you know when there is a curse on a monster? There is ZERO visual indicator?

Tp system is horrible.

This game relies on leggos that just rain from the sky.

This is some mobile crap.


To be fair it will bu fun for a couple weeks when a new season comes out but to be fairer POE is also fun when a new season comes out and it’s free compared to $100. I hope people are not fooling themselves into thinking they won’t have to pay for new seasons too… outside of maybe the very first few ones?

I mean the game is very expensive already, has a cash shop, paid battle-pass, micro-transactions… if anyone thinks they won’t monetize new seasons… heavily…



Focusing on a typo instead if the argument means you lost.

I don’t care what they call it. I’m bored and I want to play my Barb. :smile:

See now this I kinda agree with, the world while open felt empty at times and for it being open world the only things to find were the Altars which to me is boring. I loved when my bf (Now ex bf) and I would play D3 and we would see a cellar open or we saw like a cave or the bottom of the well it was exciting to explore and reap those rewards. That’s not here in D4.

The Side Quests, I dont mind, they’re fun, and one of them i did had a mini story which was interesting to explore but the main quests were so far out that it really was like annoying to get to because they’re so spread out.

as for the Lore in D3 i was excited to find journals and diaries and memos that had us hearing about what was going on and it was exciting collecting those pieces of information to really flesh out the story. It’s missing here in D4

All in All though, I dont mind D4, I wish the Sorceress was replaced with the Wizard from D3, I wish the talent trees were more fleshed out, I want to see the game improve but for this foundation it’s not all bad. I get your complaints I see where you’re coming from but the game is for me Average it could be higher when it fully releases because once again this was a beta we didnt get to see much of it but we could see that things have been improved and worked on when the game releases and so for that im holding my reservation on actually giving it a score.

Idk, my wow friends who tried d4 beta were not thrilled at all.

“This is just lost ark but worse” was their exact opinion.


All in All though, I dont mind D4

No wonder he’s your ex

(Sorry, I had to :joy:)

DI caused the meltdown between blizzard and netease that kicked wow out of china.

+1 on everything the OP said.

Playing D4 makes me want to play D2 Resurrected. Almost immediately you can tell that D2 is a better game.

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No, Blizzard asking for an extension with netease while they looked for a new partner is what did it. Hiwever WoW has a seperate contract. Still doesn’t change rhe fact it was developed for the Chinese then later, they decided to bring it global.

D2R beta weekend made me realize why I played D2 once back in 2000 and LoD once in 2001.

Only 187 likes. Try harder.

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I’ll reserving my final judgement a month or two after playing, and honestly thats really only anyone can really do. I wouldn’t cancel my pre-order just because of the tiny fraction of gameplay we’ve experienced. I’ll go in open minded but I’ll definitely have preconceptions of my past Diablo experience and I’ll expect Diablo IV to meet those expectations or surpass them and I doubt it’ll surpass them tbh,

I agree mostly.
Except for the part you said"
“This is not a game for diablo fans”
I feel"
This is not a game"
Really points to it’s flaws in total lack of any fun what so ever.

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What a low-effort garbage post. But hey, somehow it has a million replies whereas actual constructive feedback posts get buried behind this giant dog turd. Go back to PoE/D2.

Class specific skill tree through quest? What never seen that or hear about what is that? There are only paragons.

My biggest complain is the shallow and bland skill tree its like from mobile game there is zero depth in there, the game is destroyed by casuals and console players. It made for them. Paragon will be bland as imo.

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You’re the minority and not the target audience for blizzard. If you want something deep, then PoE is your best option.

The diablo franchise has always been casual since the first game, no need to throw insults thinking that D2 was hard when it is super easy.

From what I just saw of Path of Exiles new expansion, Diablo 4 is definitely going to need some changes because Chris Wilson just came out absolutely swinging.

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